Thursday, July 5, 2012


For my 26th day in a row on the bike, I circled the county park eight times with my lovely wife, briefly stopping three times for water or Gatorade.

If anyone has seen Jurassic Park, the 1993 dinosaur movie, you may recall those tiny dinosaurs that would devour someone in the same manner that piranhas would, one small bite at a time. Well, we had two of them, or something very similar, run across our path when biking along the water. I was ready to unclip and bring my legs up near the handle bar as they darted across the narrow, asphalt walking path. They are actually very cute, but they did bring to mind the epic science fiction adventure thriller film directed by Steven Spielberg.

Anyway, other than the darting dinos, and the fact that we did a lot of climbing on this ride, 29 feet, this morning’s park ride was typical of most park rides, ride around in circles until you reach your mileage goal. Today’s goal was 21 miles. We pedaled for 21.32 miles. Mission accomplished!

It’s now time for breakfast!!

Ride Stats:
Miles: 21.32
Time: 01:45:02
Average Speed: 12.2 mph
Calories Burned: 349
Average Heart Rate: 98
Elevation Gain: 29

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