Thursday, August 30, 2012


~ By Robert W. Joslyn ~
1997 Walt Disney World Marathon
During one of my recent predawn training runs, I came upon this individual who was slothfully leaning against a rather large oak tree. While keeping a watchful eye on his puppy, a tiny little thing that was searching for the perfect spot, the man was ingesting a morning dose of poison from a cigarette that was repulsively hanging from his mouth.

In my passing, he cynically murmured the question in my direction, “Why are you always running?” My inner sarcastic-self wanted badly to respond, “So I will not look like you." Knowing that such a comment would certainly be an unsolicited response, I chose to simply shrug my shoulders and run on by.

As my marathon training run continued, I realized that this person of enfeebled character opened up a question that could only be addressed with multiple answers. This very question has been one of great preponderance in my own mind on several long, arduous, exhausting runs.

The reasons for running are several and diverse, with not any one being more consequential than the other.

The majority of my runs are solo, with this silent solitude being a welcomed reversal from the typical assailment of unwelcome ado in my life. It affords me my time of contemplation and assessment. My thoughts, ideas, dreams and emotions are unimpeded by forces beyond my control. This is my time for expressing joy or sadness, for outwardly laughing at life, or occasionally weeping for less fortunate people than I - all without the feeling of embarrassment for letting my emotions surface.

Running is an exercise mastered or failed only by one self. The most expertise coach can only advise, but cannot render any assistance in the actual physical training. In competitive running, the person who initially reaches the finish line is inarguably the winner. There is nothing political, judicious, opinionated, or prejudicial about competitive running. You can either bask in self-exaltation, or you can cast the blame on yourself for not meeting your expectations. You’re in total control of your successes or failures.

I believe most competitive runners will unanimously agree that health may not be one of their principle reasons for running. Yet, the health benefit from running is a welcome result of our love for running, and is unassailably one of the finest avenues for good cardiovascular health. This can be achieved without the utilization of an expensive membership to a fitness center. There is no need to make four easy payments for a piece of exercise equipment that may eventually become an unwelcome dust collector.

My exercise equipment has been given to me from God, and is accessible to all at no charge. My running trails are numerous, and they are embellished from start to finish with nature’s finest decor. With its magnificent trees, seasonal flowers, and an occasional orchestral choir offered from the myriad of morning birds, this is a treadmill of perpetual magnificence.

Yet have I mentioned the camaraderie of colleagues who share in this love of running. To share with others, stride for stride and breath for breath, the titillation of achieving certain goals, is beyond description. To be uplifted, or to do the uplifting during a long run, is what it’s all about. Perhaps we could have the world take note and follow this example.

As long as I am blessed with the ability to run, I shall do so with a grateful heart. As long as I am able to run, my thoughts and prayers will be with those who are incapable.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


We had ten riders this morning split into two groups, the group that turned left on Stirling Road and the group that turned right on Stirling Road. I turned right with the slower of the two groups.

Rendezvousing at the same coffee shoppe only minutes apart, both groups sat around enjoying coffee, juice and various snacks. We talked about future rides taking place in our beautiful State of Florida. I’m doing three of them this year.

It only rained once, and that was when we were underneath the overhang at the coffee shoppe.

Once on the road, most of the liquid stuff had disappeared. The puddles that didn’t evaporate made sure that the backs of our riding jerseys were streaked with road dirt. A little bit of Spray ‘n Wash will take care of that.

A quick 20 minute cleaning job has my bike spic ‘n span and ready to go for the next ride, which will be this coming Saturday in hilly Sebring, FL U.S.A.

Distance: 27.50 mi

Time: 2:13:52

Avg Speed: 12.3 mph

Elevation Gain: 171 ft

Calories: 890 C

Avg Temperature: 87.7 °F

Friday, August 24, 2012


After meeting up with Tom, Ron, Sandy and Ed on the east side of the shopping mall, we proceeded with caution to our usual watering hole in the Town of Weston. I say with caution because we now have numerous parents transporting their children to various schools throughout Broward County. Needless to say, many parents are distracted when the little tots are in the back seat. Bicyclists are not on their minds.

After staying at the water trough for 45 minutes, Sandy came up with a new and improved route to take back to the barn.

Our new route took us through Markham Park, the same park that I rode in yesterday. And much to my relief, because I left my helmet-cam home, there were no sightings of gators, iguanas or armadillos. Seems as though all of the wild life has left the area, maybe because they know something about Isaac that we don’t know. Isaac, for those who are not aware, is a tropical storm heading for Cuba and eventually the Gulf of Mexico – hopefully sparing we who live on the east coast of Florida.

After circling the park and then leaving Markham Park, we rode along that concrete cycling path from the park all the way to Flamingo Road, which is the main north/south corridor in that part of our county.

Part way down Flamingo Road, we stopped by Tom’s house to see his new wood decking that he is constructing underneath his relatively new Tiki Hut. Nice hut and nice deck. It was a pleasant break sitting underneath the palm-roofed hut with the cooling breeze blowing in from the ocean.

Average temperature, by the way, was 90 degrees with a steady wind of 15 mph coming off the Atlantic Ocean.

Distance: 31.08 miles/50.02km
Time: 02:12:36
Average/Max Pace: 14.1/22.3 mph
Average/Max HR: 123/149
Elevation Gain: 169 feet

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Hurricane or no hurricane!? That is the question!

Despite the madness that follows news reports of a possible hurricane on the horizon, I was going to get in a training ride before all the craziness began. And I was going to get in that training ride while wearing my Contour helmet cam, thinking that I just might capture some giant Iguanas crossing my path along the gator-infested canal.

Well, folks, no Iguanas and no Alligators. First time ever that one or the other wasn’t spotted. The only wildlife that I spotted and recorded was sitting in automobiles that were speeding by on the highway that runs along the canal.

Oh, wait! I did spot one large white Ibis pecking at the ground in search of food while I was riding along the path that is located right outside the park. And it was a very pretty Ibis bird at that.

I also spotted several lovely young ladies doing what I was doing, enjoying a late morning ride in one of our many beautiful county parks. Yes, guys, I recorded them while they were riding.

It’ll be a little while before I can upload and edit the video, so please stay tuned to this station until further notice.

Distance: 32.00 miles/51.5 kilometers
Moving Time: 021:32:10
Average/Max Pace: 12.6 mph/21.1 mph
Average/Max HR: 116/134
Elevation Gain: 255 feet
Average Temp: 89F

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


My wife just purchased a new pair of running shoes, Nike Zoom Structure Triax+ 15's, so she wanted to give them a try on the treadmill so as not to get them dirty should they not fit or feel right. The shoes were fine! Her other Nike’s that she’s been wearing for three years are no longer in production. Imagine our surprise. Just when you find the perfect shoe for your feet, the companies discontinue that model. Shame on them!

We also wanted to fill up our car’s gas tank in preparation for the tropical storm that is looming in the Atlantic, so that eliminated our walk to and from the fitness center. We will fill up the SUV this afternoon on the way to Palm Beach to visit mom-in-law in the nursing home.

So, my good friends, while my better half toiled on the treadmill, I pulled and pushed on weight machines and then jumped on a recumbent bike for 5 miles. The 18 minutes that I was on the recumbent was a sweat fest. 87 degrees outside and no one saw the need for the ceiling fans to be on. The good husband that I am, I turned on my wife’s ceiling fan as soon as I saw which treadmill she chose. The slight over-head breeze instantly put a smile on her pretty face.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


It was time to put our SUV into the shop for general maintenance, so my wife and I took advantage of the short trip by walking from the repair shop to Chick-fil-a and then back home – a total of 3.02 miles.

We thoroughly enjoyed breakfast during our initial visit to our neighborhood’s brand new Chick-fil-a. The food was delicious, the service was excellent and the dining room was spotless.

By the time we had arrived home, the temperature was at 88F and rising. With the full sun beating down on us as we walked along the sidewalks and on the asphalt parking lot, it felt much hotter that it was. I believe the heat index was right around 96 degrees F.

We basically walked the same pace throughout the three miles, yet my heart rate increased steadily because the outside temperature kept rising. This also happens when I’m cycling.

But wait, folks! We may get some temperature relief if that tropical storm way out in the Atlantic Ocean turns into a hurricane and then heads our way.

That kind of relief we can do without!

Monday, August 20, 2012


Keeping our actual moving speed between 13-14 mph, my wife and I circled inside the park until 20 miles was registered on our Garmin GPS’s and Cateye bike computers. Twenty miles was our morning goal.

One noticeable difference between today’s ride and all rides during the summer was the lack of soccer moms (and dads) toting their little angels to the park’s summer camps. How nice it was not to be threatened by shiny SUV’s with mothers and fathers driving and texting - a fine example for the little angels.

Absent, too, was the usual herd of miniature Raptor dinosaurs crossing our path whenever we chose to ride on the bike paths and not the main road. We did spot two of them, but they didn’t appear to be a threat to life or limb.

All in all, a pleasant ride in a park that provides utopian peace and quiet while the masses drive their two-ton steel motorcars to and from work.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


All I could think about while walking was “When the heck is winter going to arrive.”

What made it feel even hotter is the need to wear a ball cap whenever I’m outside in the sun. That, along with no breeze whatsoever, made for an uncomfortable leisure walk to and from the gym.

At least when you’re cycling, you generate your own breeze.

Distance: 2.02 miles
Time: 40:07
Average Pace: 19:51
Average HR: 87

Friday, August 17, 2012


After riding around the mall at an 8 mph pace for four miles, and then meeting up with the fellows on the east side of the mall, the six of us kept today’s speed between 15-20 mph. Heavy traffic and red lights kept our overall pace much lower, though.

Our ride this morning started out with a bang – literally. Stopped at a traffic signal at Hiatus and Sheridan St, in front of several cars that were behind us in the middle lane, some guy made a left hand turn right in front of a lady that was racing through the intersection. After a moment of screeching tires, the two cars collided, scattering debris all over the place, some of which landed just inches from our feet and tires. Tom said he felt something glance off of him. I was behind Tom!

Two miles and eight minutes later when cycling through a residential neighborhood, some dim-wit, dumb-ass lady made a U-turn right in front of our 18 mph pace-line, blocking us from continuing on. A little bit closer and she would have smacked right into Sandy who was leading the pace-line. You just can’t make this sort of thing up!

And then on the way home, there was a grey squirrel that darted across one of the Southwest Ranches roads, confused and disoriented. The truck that was coming in the squirrel’s lane, in the opposite direction that we were traveling, chose to ignore the poor little animal by not slowing down. End result was one instantly disabled squirrel that was hit in the rear by a butt-head motorist that has no respect for living creatures - probably not even humans.

Besides all the above, it was a lovely ride in the hot, steamy sub-tropics of South Florida, USA. The average temp during the ride was 88 F. Full sun, no clouds!

Don’t you wish you were here?

Distance: 34.01 miles
Moving Time: 02:29:19
Average/Max Speed: 13.7 mph/21.5 mph
Average/Max HR: 127 bpm/158 bpm
Elevation Gain: 121 feet (two bridges)
Calories Burned: 1168

Monday, August 13, 2012


When you are retired from the work force, Blue Monday is no longer Blue Monday. Mondays to me now are the beginning of another fun cycling week in the warm sub-tropics of South Florida, USA. Today was no exception!

This morning’s bike ride was especially enjoyable because my wife accompanied me to one of our larger county parks for a half-metric century bike ride. We rode our road bikes both inside the park and outside, mostly inside where we found comfort knowing that we were not going to be victims of car versus bike crashes.

During our three trips outside the park, when we rode our bikes just feet away from a gator infested canal, several Iguanas ran directly across our path just feet away from our bikes. One Iguana in particular was about 5 to 6 feet long.  All others were smaller in size but quicker to cross the narrow asphalt path.

We also spotted two armadillos along the park’s main perimeter road, but no gator sightings in or around the murky canal.

One section of our bike course included four bridges, which we did three times.  By the third time, my wife learned how to gear her bike down to a larger cog, making the incline much easier.      

Part of the route inside the park took us through a gun range that is frequented by our county and city police officers. Typically jolted by the sound of gunfire, not one sound came out of the range area this morning except from the ducks and geese that strayed in territory that may not be to their liking.

Duck soup is the soup-of-the-day in many of our local restaurants. 

Distance: 32.41
Time: 02:51:19
Average/Max Speed: 11.4 mph/19.8 mph
Average/Max HR: 103 bpm/125 bpm
Elevation Gain/Loss: 115/141 feet

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Now that I’m signed up to race-walk Disney World’s 5K Family Fun Run in January, and intend to sign up for the Royal Family 5K the day before the Princess Half Marathon in February, again in Walt Disney World, I wanted to test out my left knee while power walking four miles. I’m well pleased with the outcome.

My walk-pace goal this morning was a 17 minute per mile pace. After achieving a pace of 16:14, with moderate effort, I’m doubly pleased with the results of today’s test walk.

Arthritis and torn ACL be gone with you. I’m still going to go out and have fun in the land of the mouse and other Disney characters.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


My wife and I did a casual hot & muggy walk around our shopping mall’s large block, stopping at the gym at mile 3.0 for a typical weight-machine workout.

While walking along the mall’s perimeter sidewalk, we took note of two brand new restaurants that sprung up.

Don’t they know that we are in a recession?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


At long last, my cycling streak is officially over with. Today’s ride, a small group-ride that totaled 62.9 miles, was the culmination of 60 cycling days-in-a-row.

Cycling with me today was three of my cycling buddies, Tom, Gary and Sandy. Sandy routed out our course - and what an outstanding job he did planning our rest stops and keeping us off most of the busier streets. Thank you, Sandy, for keeping us safe, well hydrated and fed.

This was another one of those rides that had a mixture of fast, slow, chat while you ride, and dodge the traffic whenever we were on the busy roads. We even stopped a couple of times for photo opportunities.

Today's metric century bike ride had us riding through Miramar, Pembroke Pines, Southwest Ranches, Davie, Cooper City and Weston.  We traveled over interstate bridges, on country roads, a few main thoroughfares, the park's walking trails, residential streets and up Mount Trashmore's steep incline.  Our two rest stops were a Publix Food Market and Einstein's Bagel Shop, both in Weston.    

Breaking off from the group at mile 48 because of time frames were Gary and Sandy. Staying the course was Tom and I, only because we wanted to reach our initial goal of sixty miles. We accomplished that while circling the main road inside the county park.  We also rode on some of the walking trails while inside the park.

The hardest part of this ride was the average temperature, which was 90.7 degrees. The humidity was way up there as well. Very few clouds had us riding in the direct sun mile after mile after mile – and no one felt sorry for us. And why should they!? The last time I checked, we volunteered for this unpaid performance.

Distance: 62.9 miles
Time: 04:30:01
Average/Max Speed: 14.0 mph/23.7 mph
Average/Max HR: 122/149
Elevation Gain: 310 feet
Calories Burned: 3723
Average/Max Temp: 90.7/103.5 F

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

DAY 59

After thoroughly cleaning my wife’s Bianchi Trofeo Road Bike and my Felt Z6 Road Bike, and then attaching the SPD cleats onto my new pair of Shimano MO77 MTB shoes, I tested out the new shoes and bike by riding around our 3-mile block twice. The shoes were a perfect fit and they click in and out of the Shimano SPD pedals very easily.

“Why SPD’s on a road bike?” you might ask! Easy answer! I like the fact that I can click in on either side of the pedals. They may weigh a couple/three grams more than certified road bike pedals, but I feel that the assurance of clicking in on the first attempt is well worth the extra weight. If I were that concerned with a few grams, I would cease eating chocolate chip cookies.

So the cycling streak continues at number 59, with number 60 looming tomorrow morning. I feel that a good goal would be to bike 60 miles tomorrow to celebrate my 60th cycling-day-in-a-row.

Sixty is also a nice round number to stop this nonsense. With my youngest daughter flying into town Thursday evening, the timing is perfect to give cycling a rest and at the same time allow myself some valuable time with my little girl – who happens to be 45 years of age.

My Goodness, how time flies when you’re having fun…


Only one chocolate chip cookie! That’s right folks, only one! According to my Garmin 110, that’s all I burned off this morning during our leisure two-mile walk, one regular sized chocolate chip cookie. Sad but true.

But thankfully, I’m not into calorie counting. Never have been! I’m lucky in that way. Besides that, this morning’s walk was a head-clearing walk and nothing more.

Have you ever gotten up out of bed in the morning and you just can’t seem to get yourself going? No? Yes? Well, whenever this happens to me, I have to get my fanny out the door and then get myself moving in some sort of way.

Not wanting to go through the steps one must take in order to ride the bikes, my wife and I simply slipped into our running shoes, strapped on our individual Garmin GPS’s, and then headed out towards the great beyond. And we’re glad we did!  Not counting the heat and humidity, it was a lovely walk.  Plus, our two-miler cleared my head of all cobwebs and spiders.  

Before it gets too hot outside, I plan on taking our bikes and all of the bike-cleaning paraphernalia outside underneath the large shady oak tree. It’s time to give both bikes a thorough cleaning.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Today’s workout was a triathlon of sorts. Well, sort of, as long as it’s acceptable to count weight lifting as the third discipline.

To begin with, this morning’s mall ride was rained out. The weather never cleared until shortly before noon. By then I was deep into my home chores, like laundry, dusting, vacuuming and checking email.

About an hour after breakfast, and right after my chores were completed, my wife and I headed for the gym after first strapping our Garmins onto our wrists. No walk would be complete without logging the distance and pace with high tech gadgets.

After walking 1.08 miles, we enter the gym, do our individual things, and then return to the tropical oven called “the great outdoors.”

One more mile at a snail’s pace and we’re back into our air-conditioned cocoon that we refer to as “home.”

There’s no place like home, and that’s the truth

Sunday, August 5, 2012


On a sad note, two bicyclists were kit and killed early this morning in our immediate area by a fleeing burglary suspect. The incident happened around 7 a.m. this morning.

No additional details are available other than they were bicyclists just like many of us. I believe at this time the names are being withheld  pending notification of next of kin.

We learned of the incident at the completion of this morning’s bike ride, not knowing who was involved or the location of the incident.

UPDATE:  Both suspects were caught by our local police departments:

Regarding my 57th cycling-day-in-a-row, I chose to cycle with our club’s intermediate 14-16 mph group this morning, which today only had a total of four cyclists. Many in our club are currently vacationing prior to the new school year convening.

We pretty much stayed within the boundaries of Bonaventure and Weston for our 31-mile Sunday fun ride. Seldom did we venture past 17 mph. Neither did we slow all that much when biking into the 10 mph east, southeast wind.

Among the four of us, Richard and I did 100% of the pulling during the entire ride.  Richard did more pulling than me. I didn't mind and I'm sure Richard didn't mind either.  We were obviously the stronger of the three men and one women.

Nothing more to say about this ride.  It was pretty much routine and non-eventful.        

Be safe and be alert!

Distance: 31.23 miles
Cycling Time: 02:07:55
Average/Max Speed: 14.6 mph/21.4 mph (I attacked an uphill area)
Average/Max HR: 113 bpm/138 bpm
Elevation Gain: 80 feet
Average/Max Cadence: 77/106
Calories Burned: Around 1200


Saturday, August 4, 2012


It was a last moment decision to ride this morning and I’m glad that I chose to head out the door with bike and helmet in hand.

One single factor swayed my mind from not riding to riding, the weather outlook. The weather man assured me that no WAZ was going to spoil this ride. In addition, the wind was supposed to be calm to 5 mph. Well, the weather guy was right regarding the rain, but he was slightly off on the wind. Heading north or west, the wind most definitely was an issue, although an inconsequential one.

Only four cyclists showed up for our club’s Saturday experienced ride. In attendance was Richard, our leader, red shirt guy, Oregon Duck lady, and yours truly. Nice foursome for a faster-than-normal 35-miler.

Leaving the Westgate Shopping Center at 7:35 AM, we headed west on speedy State Road 84 and then make a south turn onto Glades Parkway. From there we took a general tour of the Town of Weston, making sure we stayed within the bike lanes so we wouldn’t be ticketed by our local Sheriff’s Dept.

After stopping at Publix Food Market for a refill and a bladder emptying, we cruised westward along Griffin Road until we came upon Bonaventure Boulevard, at which time we turned into the wind heading north.

We eventually made our way back to State Road 84 for our last surge back to the barn. Once on St. Rd. 84, red shirt guy and I sort of half sprinted to the barn area, keeping the speedometer right around 20 mph the entire way.

Awesome 56th cycling-day-in-a-row ride with a bunch of remarkable cyclists!

Distance: 35.04 miles (56.4 km)
Moving Time: 02:12:09
Average/Max Speed: 15.91 mph/21.3 mph
Average/Max HR: 122/149bpm
Elevation Gain: 67 feet
Average/Max Cadence: 74/100
Calories Burned: 2243

Friday, August 3, 2012


Thinking that we were going to do a 55-mile training ride on my 55th cycling-day-in-a-row, I carbo-loaded prior to leaving the house, plus, I brought along some extra GU and Fig Newton’s for when we stopped for our short breaks.

Well, the extra-mile ride never did pan out due to various reasons. That’s okay, because had we ridden much farther, we may have been slaughtered by a slow moving front that dumped a huge amount of WAZ on our area. It’s still raining as I type! Even though we cycled a lessor amount of miles, we got rather wet during a brief rain shower that lasted for maybe three miles/twelve minutes.

On the comical side, whenever we have a lot of rain accompanied by the Thunder Monster, my two cats run and hide underneath our bed. Not that my two panicky cats have anything to do with biking, or exercise in general, I just thought I’d throw that in.

Back to this morning’s bike ride, we took an entirely new route on the way home from the caffeine shop. Have you ever biked on horse trails, where the only obstacle is horse manure? If you haven’t, please come join us whenever we opt for the pony ride on two wheels, skinny wheels at that.

I thought the new route was so cool, I stopped at one point and captured Tom, Ed and Sandy S on camera as they were passing me by. When I suddenly stopped, however, I was ever so cautious not to step in horse dung with my unclicked foot. Luckily, I was successful.

As it is, I’ve got some serious cleaning to do on my beautiful road bike. I certainly didn’t want to be forced to scrape off smelly stuff from my only pair of biking shoes.

Distance: 33.27 miles, 3 of those wet miles
Moving Time: 02:36:55
Average/Max Speed: 12.7 mph/22.3 mph
Average/Max HR: 112 bpm/144 bpm
Elevation Gain: 210 feet
Calories Burned: 950
Piles of Horse Dung: Countless

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Although today marks my 54th Cycling-day-in-a-row, some of that cycling was done indoors on a recumbent trainer. Today was one of those days when we found it absolutely necessary to remain indoors because of time frames and other issues.

We had planned on driving the bikes to Markham Park for a twenty-something bike ride, but various issues came up that thwarted those plans, mainly lack of sleep on both our parts. (Shame on us for staying up late to watch the Olympics!) So admittedly, we slept latter than we normally sleep. In my book, that’s neither a sin nor a crime. We simply listened to our bodies and then responded by shutting off the alarm clock.

What I did was walk to the gym (1.05 miles), do a series of weight machines, jump on the recumbent for an easy 10-miler, and then walk back home (2.05 miles), taking the longer route that circles the shopping mall’s large tropical-adorned lake. By then it was a warm 87 degrees (96 degrees real-feel) with full sun shining down on us. I’m not complaining, just observing.

Distance: 3.10 miles (5 km)
Time: 57:35:34
Pace: 18:35
Average/Max HR: 90/102
Calories Burned: 182

Distance: 10 miles
Time: 40:00
Pace: 15 mph
Average/Max HR: 97/`102

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I-75 Through Weston, Fl
This morning’s ride was essentially a carbon copy of many past rides when prior to meeting up with my biking buddies, I would escort my wife on my road bike while she ran. This morning's bike ride was one of those rides!

After riding alongside my wife for 4 ½ miles, I then joined my cycling amigos for a 26 mile ride to and from the infamous Weston coffee shop, crossing Interstate 75 twice for some much-needed hill training.

While crossing I-75 for the second time, I took a photo from atop the bridge showing what our wide interstate highway looks like shortly after morning rush hour. That’s when I was basically dropped by everyone except for Sandy S, who slowed and then circled on a side road until I finished taking my photo.

In my opinion, Sandy S is an outstanding wheel-mate.

53rd Cycling day-in-a-row
Distance: 30.58
Moving Time: 02:35:39
Average/Max Speed: 11.8/23.7 mph
Average/Max HR: 107/141 bpm
Elevation Gain: 127 feet
Calories Burned: 1153