Monday, December 31, 2012


My last bike ride of 2012 began with the temperature at a comfortable 68 degrees, the wind blowing steady from the east between 15-20 mph with gusts to 24 mph, and the rising sun producing long shadows from nearby buildings and trees. When heading north, we could see our own shadows left of our road bikes.

At the ride’s end, the temperature shot way up to 73F. How dare it! Aside from the strong wind, though, the weather conditions were perfect for cycling.

There were eight in our group this morning. A good showing considering that today is New Year’s Eve.

Two riders from our group split from the rest of us early on to avoid a speedy ride westbound on Griffin Road. It was on Griffin that I reached my maximum speed of 24.5 mph. You can either hate the wind or love it. Westbound on Griffin Road, I loved it. But that love turned to animosity later on in the ride when we were heading east towards the Atlantic Ocean.

Our coffee-shoppe rest period was more or less uneventful. There were a minimum of pretty lady sightings and very few humanoids sitting at the sidewalk tables. Maybe everyone was home resting up for tonight’s shindigs.

After a long discussion as to which route we would take to get back to the car park, we opted to cruise through some of Weston’s bike lanes, continue east on State Road 84, a two lane road that parallels Interstate I-595, ride along the wide bike lane that is located on the north side of I-595, and then cautiously proceed southward on Flamingo Road all the way to Johnson Street in the City of Pembroke Pines.

It was at the intersection of Johnson Street and Flamingo Road where I said my goodbyes and Happy New Years to my cycling mates. It was also at that intersection where some of us picked up loose change from the roadway. I’m a dime richer for my bending effort.

My total cycling miles for 2012 was 5,356. Next year’s cycling goal is 5,500 miles with even more smiles that what this year produced, if that’s possible.

Happy New Year to all who take the time to read my cycling blog.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


After walking and running a 1/4th marathon around the old neighborhood, I reset the Garmin Forerunner 305 and then slowly walked the rest of the way home along our pristine lake and manicured median strip. It felt wonderful to again walk at a normal walking pace.

Everyone have a blessed day!


For the first time in well over a year, I injected some running into my walking. Not a whole lot, only 30 seconds of slow running every ten minutes, which clearly is enough to generate a pace that will easily qualify me to complete the upcoming Goofy Challenge in Walt Disney World. I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

The good news is that I felt no tightness or discomfort in my left knee, nor did I feel any discomfort in my lower back. All of those lubricant injections in the left knee must have done the trick, and leaning slightly forward when walking and running evidently takes the pressure off of the arthritic spinal area in my lower back. Now I know why elderly folks lean forward when walking. I’ll have to remember that when I get old. J

With an average temperature of 57 degrees Fahrenheit and the sky a beautiful blue, it was a perfect day to get out there and do some fast striding around the old neighborhood.

Saturday, December 29, 2012


Today is a non-cycling day. In the place of cycling, my wife and I walked to the gym via the longer route through the hospital's parking lot, did a 40 minute weight machine workout in the gym, and then walked back home, again, through the hospital’s large parking area. 

Seeing as though today is Saturday, the parking lot was practically empty of cars and trucks. I can only guess that no one becomes ill on weekends.

The temperature was steady at 73F and the sky was covered with high-altitude clouds.  Perfect! 

A cold front is headed our way, though, which means that tomorrow will be perfect for cycling, walking, running, picnicking, swimming, or whatever one decides to do in the great outdoors.

What are your plans for tomorrow?

Friday, December 28, 2012


After riding alongside my wife while she did a marathon training run, I joined my fellow little rascals at the car park. Five were present and accounted for, six including me, the oldest of the rascal group except for Ed. 

Not surprising, Ed was a no show this morning. Too cold and windy, sayeth Mr. Ed.

After a routine ride to the coffee shoppe, and after laughing our butts off at Tom’s description of a game that he played on-line, and Sandy’s new smart phone APP that takes distorted pictures, we departed the shoppe in the general direction of California (westward). After a few miles in Weston’s safe bike lanes, we did our usual sprint fest on St. Rd. 84 heading towards Markham County Park. And without fail, the wind was directly in our faces.  Why is that?  

Once in the park, we rode eastbound on the wide concrete bike lane in the general direction of the Atlantic Ocean. Actually, where we were located was only around 12 miles west of the large pond.

After leaving the semi-safe concrete bike lane, we turned south on Nob Hill Road.  After dodging a bunch of vehicular traffic, we zig zagged our way through residential neighborhoods and then finally into Tree Tops Park by way of a hidden path through a bunch of thick hedges. 

The older rascals needed a potty break, so we stopped at the log-cabin style pavilion for maybe ten minutes or so. It was there that I took the above group photo with my small Nikon 12 megapixel digital camera.

Exactly thirty eight minutes after leaving the park, I arrived safely home to once again be with the love of my life, my awesome wife. She told me that she was very pleased with her ten-mile training run and I assured her that I was exceedingly pleased to be her escort.

Two fun rides in one day! I must be living right.

In the above picture, I'm the guy wearing the black skull cap.  


My wife was scheduled for a 10-mile training run in preparation for the upcoming Goofy Challenge in Walt Disney World, so I rode alongside her while she ran, handing her the Gatorade bottle on command.

We began the ride/run at 5:30 in the morning, so I had all of my bike’s lights blinking so we wouldn’t be run down by the mall’s security vehicles.

Included in the escort ride was one stop at Chick-fil-A for a potty break and then another potty break behind an old rusty dumpster. Thank goodness for open fast food restaurants and partially hidden dumpsters.

While riding and running, we marveled at the full moon in the western sky shortly before sunrise. The moon offered enough light for us to safely maneuver our way around the mall’s dim parking lot.

All toll, I rode at a pace that resulted in an average heart rate of 68 bpm. Woo hoo!! I must have been asleep at the wheel, or in this case, the handle bars.

I’m surprised that I burned 702 calories. Maybe it was the brutally difficult elevation gain totaling 32 feet.

In the above photo, my wife is acting silly coming out of Chick-fil-A.   

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


After riding alongside my wife for three and a half miles while she ran, and then meeting up with my biking mates at the car park, I was left with a choice of either riding with the fast group or riding with the slower group. I opted for the slow group mainly because of this morning’s anticipated high-volume of traffic. You know what it’s like the day after Christmas, hordes of gift recipients rush to the shopping malls to exchange their gifts for something else or they exchange them for the correct size and/or color.

The second reason I chose to ride with the slower group was because I can’t keep up with the faster group. A steady 27 mph on the lanes in Weston is a bit much for this old codger.

I thoroughly enjoyed today’s bike ride, though. There is something special about being able to talk while you ride, not to mention being able to look around the terrain without fear of rear-end collisions. More to the point, it is nice to be able to view something other than your mate’s rump and his spinning rear wheel. You guys out there can surely relate!

Heading northbound towards the coffee shoppe, the wind was negligible. Zilch, zero! That made for an easy outbound ride. Not surprising, though, was when the wind began coming out of the SSW at a steady 15 to 20 mph immediately after leaving the coffee shoppe one hour after arriving – right in our faces.

Average Temperature: 77.7F

Ride via Maymyride and Garmin Connect

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


What a wonderful, healthy way to begin Christmas morning, by walking around the neighborhood wishing all passerby’s a Merry Christmas. That is exactly what my wife and I did this morning, using four different instruments to measure our walk.

The link below was measured by the Map My Walk Application that is on my Samsung smart phone. The differences between the smart phone’s application and our Garmin Forerunner 205, Garmin Forerunner 305, and Garmin 110 are negligible. We used all four this morning just to measure the difference.

No snowy Christmas morning for us, just weather that could be considered perfect for walking, running and biking. We took note that our temperature at the beginning of our walk was 59F. By the end of our casual 4.39 mile walk, it had warmed up to 67F with the sky as blue as the Gulf Stream’s flowing water. The Weather Channel had the wind registered as “calm.”

To all our many friends, acquaintances and relatives, Janet and I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. May all of your wishes and dreams come true!

Monday, December 24, 2012


When I slowly rode my bike to the car park, which, by the way, really lowers my overall average riding pace, I was extremely pleased to see most of the guys congregating around their motorized four wheelers ready to ride their bikes. Today being Christmas Eve, I wasn’t sure if anyone would show up. Five hardy souls and I showed up ready and willing to log some miles.

The ride to the coffee shoppe was basically humdrum and our one hour stay at the coffee shoppe uneventful, except, that is, when Ed shouted out rather loudly to the employees that they were out of hot coffee. One thing you need to know about our Ed. To keep him smiling and contented, you must keep the coffee pot full. The employees now know this!

Unlike our ride to the coffee shoppe, the ride back to the barn generated some speedy riding. If it were not for several traffic signals and stop signs, our overall pace would be a couple/three mph faster. At least the traffic was lighter because school was not in session.

Sandy S, Tom and Steve took turns pulling while I gladly took the position of the brightly colored caboose. Ron, I believe, maintained a middle-of-the-pack position. Wearing my bright lime-green cycling jacket certainly has its advantages.

Safely home at last, I’m fixing to put a small turkey, cranberry sauce and orange marmalade into the slow cooker. Served with noodles and your favorite veggies, this makes a most delicious meal.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Shortly after my wife, i.e. walking partner, left for work, I departed our home with the intent of only walking to and from the fitness center that is located directly across the street from our gated community. But once I squeezed between the entry gate arms, and then peered straight ahead at the serene lake, the stately palm trees and flowered shrubs, I couldn’t help but walk much farther. With the temperature right around 60F and the sky a deep blue, how could I not want to take an extended stroll? I’m glad I did!

One mile into my unplanned walk, I noticed a bunch of broken glass scattered along the sidewalk on the east side of the lake. Obviously, some inconsiderate Jackal found delight in breaking a glass bottle on the sidewalk. Because I and others ride their bikes along this section, I stooped over and brushed off all the large and small pieces of broken glass onto the grassy area. There is no shame in being the sidewalk janitor.

When I arrived on the south side of the lake and shopping mall, I was relieved to see that the parking lots were half empty. I was thinking that at 8:30 in the morning on a Sunday, maybe some of the customary shoppers were in church asking forgiveness for yesterday’s war like conditions at this very mall. I hope their heartfelt prayers are answered.

There wasn’t too much happening on the west side of the mall except for two speeding ambulances with sirens wailing. Both of them turned towards the nearby hospital, and so did I. To walk to the gym from the west sidewalk, one must walk through the hospital and medical offices’ parking areas, which brings to mind an incident that happened a couple years ago when my wife and I were walking rapidly through the parking area on our way to the hospital’s fitness center.

One of the hospital’s security personnel rode up to us on his golf cart and then began yelling that we are not allowed to exercise on hospital grounds. I told him that we were not exercising, that we were simply walking to the fitness center of which we have been members ever since the building was constructed many years ago. He wasn’t satisfied with my answer. He even told us that we had to leave the premises immediately.

I asked the security man if we were in an automobile, passing through this parking area on the way to the fitness center, would he have stopped us. He hesitantly answered “No.”

I then abruptly replied “Well then, we choose to walk instead of drive, so kindly get out of our faces. Furthermore, if you continue to harass us simply because we wish to walk instead of drive, I’ll go speak with the hospital’s administrator. And if your boss doesn’t like the fact that we enjoy walking to the gym, then I’ll contact our local newspaper and tell them how our hospital dislikes the fact that people choose to walk for their health instead of drive and pollute.”

The security guard meekly drove away in his little cart, never to be heard from again.

End of story!

Saturday, December 22, 2012


My wife and I did our annual “Holiday Walk” around the shopping mall, observing the not-so-happy Christmas shoppers search and fight for parking spots.

One guy with his young son even used the F word when he and his pre-teen were almost run down by a young lady driving her enormous SUV. I don’t blame him for being upset! 

In conclusion, there’s nothing like expressing a little Yule Tide cheer during the weekend before Christmas.

Perhaps those hurried, belligerent holiday shoppers should do as my wife and I do, stop the insanity by not celebrating commercially.

Regarding our walk, we stepped it up a notch or two just to see if our relaxed pace will suffice when we participate in the upcoming Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend beginning 19 days from now. It did!

Friday, December 21, 2012


My vigorous morning began at 7 a.m. riding alongside my wife for 3.25 miles while she did a training run/walk. Our pace was slightly below 5 mph for the 3+ miles, which is why my overall cycling pace for the 37 miles is only 11.9 mph.

After joining my four biking comrades at the car park, we chose a route that initially took us through the City of Miramar. We then headed north towards Davie and Weston, fighting the 20+ mph wind the entire way. The wind gusts reportedly were a tad over 30 mph. They felt like 40 mph.

After waiting in line for 25 minutes for our bagels and coffee (I had hot chocolate), and then consuming our drinks and food while sitting at a sidewalk table outside the shoppe, we continued northward towards the wide concrete biking trail that led us to Flamingo Road. Once on Flamingo, we veered left onto the safer service road that led us to Tom’s house. Tom had house guests, so he cancelled out on today’s bike ride.

While on the service road, with help from the wind I PR’d on Strava’s “Salute the Flag” segment. It was there that my heart rate took a leap to 163 bpm. For that reason, I am delighted that I’m still alive to share this story.

Bearing in mind that the world was supposed to end today before 1 p.m. EST, I’m pleased to convey to all of my DM friends that I am still alive and well. We are even planning another bike ride in the near future.

Anyway, after leaving Tom’s home, we jumped on Flamingo Road’s southbound bike lane and then rode the five miles to Johnson Street, which is where I peeled away from the pace line and made my way safely home. The others continued on to the car park, which is slightly over one mile from my residence.

Total elevation gain this morning was 396 feet and the average temperature was a comfortable 67.6F. They say that our temp is going down to 48F this evening.

It’s time to turn off our air-conditioners and open the windows.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


This was a combination of casual walking and working out on the upper-body and lower-body resistance machines.

While walking to the fitness center, my wife and I were commenting on the weather in Wisconsin and the Midwest compared to here in South Florida. Can you guess where we would prefer to live?

Temp in South Florida: 81F/Sunny

Temp in Milwaukee, WI: 39F/Light Rain

There’s our answer!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Guilty of Littering the Trail with Dung
After spending the last two days in our county courthouse keeping my wife company while she went through a jury selection, etc., it sure was good to get back in the bike’s saddle.

While in the eight-story courthouse, I spent a lot of time staring out the large plate-glass windows in awe at the clear blue sky, the tall palm trees swaying with the ocean breeze, and the few cyclists down below that dared to bike in and around the crowded downtown area.

Incidentally, my wife was chosen to be a juror, which is why our courthouse visit was two days instead of one. While she was busy listening to a short trial, I was downstairs enjoying all the goodies in the cafeteria. I believe I gained two pounds!

Back to today’s biking; we did another one of those slow park rides that had us chugging along on those knobby horse trails. The trails are knobby because over time of all the large oak tree roots push up the asphalt pathways.

Providing many obstacles along the bumpy trails were piles and piles of horse dung. At one point along the trail I was yelling back to the other cyclists “biker up, runner up, horses up, ducks up, and horse dung up.” They best pay attention to that last one!

For the most part, today’s ride was really slow. However, I did do some sprints throughout the ride just to get my HR up. My max speed was 23 mph, and that was on one of my Strava segments. I actually PR’d on the “Salute the Flag” segment without too much effort.

Anyway, it was a gorgeous day in South Florida with the average temp right around 74F, the sky a beautiful deep blue, and the multi-colored tropical flowers blooming all along the trails and roadways.

Did I mention that it was a beautiful day???

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Eight is enough, not only in the defunct TV series but in group cycling as well. Consequently, there were eight of us during today’s Intermediate club ride that took us on several of the bike lanes in attractive, perfectly manicured, sub-tropical Weston, Florida, an upscale city that lies on the eastern edge of the Florida Everglades.

Getting a late start from the car park, we zig zagged our way through the industrial-park area, along the wide bike lane that leads into Markham County Park, and then onto the semi-safe bike lanes of Bonaventure and Weston, stopping only once at a local Publix Food Market at mile 20 for a potty break.

Our eight-person peloton consisted of five guys and three gals of all age groups and ethnic groups. Shari, our leader, led us while riding her two-wheel recumbent. All other riders had road bikes from seven different manufactures. 

Diversity was surely the order of the day.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


There isn’t a whole lot to say about today’s casual walk other than I did a lot of thinking about yesterday’s tragedy in Connecticut, where a 20 year old disturbed individual walked into one of our elementary schools and ended up shooting and killing 20 young children and 7 caring adults – including his own mother. He shot his mother at their home prior to the mass killings that took place in a kindergarten class room.

The cry now is for gun control, a topic that comes to light every time an unfortunate, random shooting event occurs. I’ll reserve my opinion on the controversial topic. However, every time someone dies or is seriously injured in an auto accident, which is every single day, I hear no outcry to do away with automobiles and trucks. Motor vehicle crashes in the USA alone result in more than 40,000 deaths per year, not to mention the tens of thousands of people seriously injured in those crashes.  30% of those deaths are the result of alcohol impairment.  That being the case, should we do away with all automobiles and all alcohol?     

One final comment: If we (the world) would take the trillions of dollars that we spend every year to kill one another in wars/conflicts, and then take that money and use it for a worldwide transportation system, there would be little to no need for individual vehicles. Think Walt Disney World, where a person can park their car for the duration of their visit and never think about cranking up their expensive, often-dangerous transport machine. Disney’s mass transit system is second to none, and a whole lot safer than the system we must use once outside Disney’s property.

Perhaps I’m more of an idealist than a realist. One can dream, can’t they?

Anyway, 3.1 miles into today’s casual walk, I stopped at the fitness center and then did a quick 25 minute weight-machine workout. Afterwards, I continued with the walk until I basically ran into our condo building.

The weather was perfect for a walk: 77 F, partly cloudy, with a refreshing breeze coming off the Atlantic Ocean.

Friday, December 14, 2012


After refueling with an apple fritter, Dunkin Donut coffee and a chocolate frosted donut about 2/3rds of the way into the ride, I managed to ride in windy conditions for a distance of just under 48 miles, give or take a tenth or two. And many of those miles were on pathways that ran through county parks, on neighborhood sidewalks, along crapped up horse trails, and on the right side of several common roadways that were semi-clogged with horseless carriages of all sizes, shapes and colors. We also rode on the concrete bike trail that parallels Interstate 595/St. Rd 84.

Not content with our usual 25-mile out-and-back ride, Sandy came up with a plan to extend our ride nearly twofold. Tagging along was Tom, Greg, Steve and little old me. Ed and Ron headed back to the barn directly from our first rest stop, which was at mile 12.5. Sorry to say, they missed out on a fabulous ride on roads and paths that we’ve never traveled.

I thought we were going to be invited to an outdoor feast at a pavilion in Tree Tops Park, but the kind lady said that the party wouldn’t begin until much later. Darn! She did, however, take a nice picture of our honorable group with my dumb phone. The phone is only smart when a smart person uses it. Hey, what am I saying? It’s my phone.

All in all, it was a happy ride in beautiful Southeast Florida.

Taking the advice of an article that I read the other day about re-hydrating with chocolate milk, I am now sitting in my home office enjoying a tall glass of Almond milk mixed with Ovaltine. Oh, and I also have a small can of mixed peanuts by my side.

Life is good!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


With the wind gusts over 25 mph, and the wind steady at 15 to 20 mph when not gusting, a somewhat difficult element was introduced into our normally slow-motion, easy bike ride.

After meeting up with all the guys at the mall’s car park, three of us took off together before the main group departed. We were the slower of the two groups, and the smallest. We also cycled less miles – but I have a feeling that we generated more smiles. Not only were we smiling while riding, but we made others smile by yelling “Good morning, etc.” all throughout our out-and-back ride.  We're known as a friendly bunch on two wheels.  

Needing another 1 ½ miles near the end of the ride to complete my daily goal of 30 miles, after entering our gated community I cycled in and around every province in our five-province community. Having done that, not only was my first four miles riding around the shopping mall at a snail’s pace of 7 to 8 mph, so was the last mile and a half. Gosh, no wonder the ride’s average pace was a mere 11.1 mph.

In retrospect, however, I have to confess that the wind did have a lot to do with the slowness of this morning’s half metric bike ride. 

Let's face it, I’m simply no good biking against a strong wind!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


This was a slow, casual walk with my wife to and from the fitness center in near perfect weather.

Although slightly on the warm side, the average temperature of 80F was good for walking along the lake and through the hospital’s crowded parking area. For the most part, the slow moving clouds offered a great deal of relief from the sun’s burning rays.

At our walk’s half way point, we ducked into the gym for a series of weight machines, core exercises, and occasional gazing out the window at our tropical lake. We noticed that the ducks were very active today, as was a lost turkey vulture posing as a duck.

Monday, December 10, 2012


This morning’s bike ride had us riding our sleek road bikes on busy thoroughfares, neighborhood side roads, country roads, over Interstate bridges, through business parking lots, over bumpy horse trails, and even on green meadows. The meadow and horse trails were located inside one of Broward County’s more scenic parks, Tree Tops Park.

Tree Tops Park’s land used to be owned by golfer Sam Snead and three partners, who had planned a golf course and high-rise apartments for the property. Instead, it was acquired by the county in February, 1980 at a cost of $4.4 million.

Just prior to taking off with the guys at the car park, I finally reached this year’s goal of 5,000 cycling miles. Biking alone at the time, it was kind of anti-climactic when the odometer hit the five-thousand mile mark.

I haven’t set a goal for 2013. At least not yet!

Elevation gain on this non-mountainous ride was a whopping 198 feet.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Even though this morning’s bike ride was only a 13 mile escort ride, riding alongside my wife while she ran/walked, at least I’m back in the saddle after days of health issues.

While my wife did one of her last long training run/walks for the upcoming Goofy Challenge in Walt Disney World, I rode alongside her passing her GU and Gatorade.  I love my escort duties!

All throughout the ride, my heart rate remained slightly above its normal resting pace of 60 bpm. Not exactly a workout by any stretch of the imagination, but the ride was good for my mental state.

This morning’s walk was a combination of walking to and from the gym plus 2.25 miles of treadmill walking.
Add them together and you've got 3.05 miles.  

For the most part, the treadmill walk was done at a 16:30 pace, whereas the casual walk to and from the gym was done at a pace well over 21 minutes per mile.

While inside the gym, I did a light series of weight machines, both upper and lower body. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Because of this morning’s fourth out of the series of five knee injections, my walk to and from the fitness center an hour ago was on the speed-level of snail poop rolling uphill. The only humans that were slower than me this morning were a group of teens obviously not in a rush to board their county school bus. I’ll tell you, most of these kids today have no sense of urgency.

Today’s gym workout was moderately paced with light weights. I did manage to work in a core workout on the parallel bars, though. A man has to keep his six-pack abs, ya know.

The Shingles (right smack dab in the middle of my left sit bone area) has all but disappeared, bladder infection is gone, lower back is painless and the left knee is well lubricated. I feel like I’ve been overhauled by a good body mechanic. 

Once again, I’m a man on a mission.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


After my wife and I watched the movie “The Hunger Games” on our big screen TV, and after I made a strawberry smoothie for later consumption, I headed out the door for a short, casual walk to and from the hospital’s fitness center.

The movie, by the way, was outstanding. Out of five possible stars, I rated the movie 5 stars. The movie was that good!

The movie portrayed just how insensitive a society can become, and what little value they can place on human life. Are we headed in that direction, with our countless video games that pit humans against humans? Think about it!

Anyway, in the middle of my leisure walk, I stopped in the gym and did an intense 25 minute weight-machine workout. I felt “pumped” whenever I left the gym and continued with the walk.

I’m now home with the frozen smoothie in one hand and the computer’s mouse in the other. 

Sure hope I don’t confuse the two.

Monday, December 3, 2012


I stopped three times during this morning’s casual mall/hospital/medical offices-walk. Two were out of necessity and one was for fun.

The first time was to duck underneath the medical offices overhang when it began raining, the second time was to chat with my cycling buddies at the car park, and the third time was to make myself a few grams lighter by visiting the facilities at my favorite Chick-Fil-A. I feel that my Friday afternoon Chick-Fil-A visit and meal gives me 24/7 rights to their sparkling-clean facilities.

All in all, it was a very pleasant morning-stroll around the sub-tropics of Pembroke Pines, my home town for the past thirty one years. Pembroke Pines, for you peeps that have little knowledge of this area of the country, is a mere hop, skip and a jump north of Miami, Florida USA. Unless a person has been a resident of North Korea all of their life, everyone should know the location of Miami, FL.

Walk stats and map via Garmin Connect:

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Jan, Rapunzel and Bob
Wedding Anniversary… One of many highlights this past year was Bob and Janet’s 27th wedding anniversary in early October, celebrated again in magical style by visiting Walt Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. During this year’s visit, however, they chose not participate in any running events. Surprise, surprise!

And speaking of running, once again Janet completed Disney’s Goofy Challenge, all 39.3 miles of magic and smiles. Even though Janet will be aiming for her 7th Goofy Challenge in a row January of 2013, and Bob another half marathon, he has more or less dropped out of running and race-walking due to persistent knee and back problems.

Jan and Bob Cycling
 in Sebring, FL
Road cycling, a sport that Bob likes even more than running and race-walking, has literally replaced the previous mentioned disciplines. Janet enjoys bicycling as well, only to a lesser degree.

During this past Labor Day weekend, both Bob and Janet enjoyed two days of cycling in Sebring, FL with several of their friends. They also enjoyed an early November weekend with friends cycling in Inverness, FL, where all of them biked well over 100 miles on the picturesque Withlacoochee Trail.

Diane, Bob and Janet in Dollywood
Tennessee VacationDuring the month of April, Jan and Bob visited Bob’s youngest daughter, Diane, in Pigeon Forge, TN. At the time, Diane was living in a cabin on top of one of Tennessee’s mountains. She has since moved back into the city of Sevierville. TN. While in the Volunteer State, they were superbly entertained by Dollywood’s Festival of Nations.

Employment and Retirement… Whereas Janet completed her fourth year of full-time employment in September as a sales associate with Wal-Mart, Bob entered into his eleventh year of blissful retirement this past May.

Gigi and Santana
Just prior to Lynda relocating to Tennessee, where she now lives with her husband, Wal-Mart approved her request to transfer from Cooper City, Florida’s Wal-Mart to Sevierville, Tennessee’s Wal-Mart as a cashier.

Diane continues to work for the Sevier County, Tennessee library system.

Pets… Gigi and Santana, Bob and Janet’s two felines, continue to captivate them with their affection and occasional acts of kitty mischief.

On top of caring for their two cats, Bob maintains a 29-gal tropical fish tank that sits atop their old-fashion, upright piano. The favorites of all their tropical fish are the two 5 to 6-inches long Bala sharks.

Visitation… Bob and Janet were delighted to have three separate family visits during 2012, Lynda and Brian’s daughter and son, Felicia and Brandon, and Bob’s youngest daughter, Diane.
Felicia and Lynda in
Walt Disney World

Jessie and Brandon, both police officers
 in Ohio, are vacationing
in South Florida
Felicia is completing her college education in the State of Pennsylvania and Brandon continues with his law enforcement career in the State of Ohio.

Janet and Bob hope that each and every one of you has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, as well as good health throughout the coming year.
Mickey, Janet, Bob and Pluto

Bob and Janet           

Friday, November 30, 2012


When a man wants a chicken sandwich, he wants a chicken sandwich.

Hungrier than a Tennessee black bear, after setting up my new 29 gallon tropical fish tank, I walked to Chick-fil-a from home (.75 of a mile), enjoyed a freshly-made spicy chicken sandwich combo with waffle-fries and a root-beer,  and then walked back home with a full belly and a wide, satisfied smile on my face.

While waking back home along the lake, I ran across a young lady that works at the adjoining hospital. She immediately began bragging on me how fit I looked. (I’m not telling this story to toot my own horn, so please stick with me). She then asked how old I am. When I guardedly responded with “71,” she really turned up the compliments.

But wait! This is what I’ve learned the past year or so.

If I wasn’t old and didn’t look old, she never would have uttered a word. She would have passed me by in total silence. Maybe a hello or good evening, but no compliments would have come from her mouth. She and most others in her age group feel like they are completely safe complimenting an older gentleman. And that’s what I am, an older gentleman. A senior citizen, if you will.

So should I take her lauding as a compliment, or do I hang my head in disparagement, knowing that I’ve been looked upon by another young lady as just another harmless older-guy who’s trying to look younger than his age?

And who of us isn’t?


Feeling somewhat fidgety sitting indoors healing from my illness, I asked my wife if she wouldn’t mind doing a slow walk with me around the neighborhood. Without hesitation, she grabbed her running shoes, laced them babies up, and out the door we went with Garmin GPS’s attached to our wrists.

We started out walking towards the ocean, or eastward, which meant walking against a 20 to 25 mph wind with gusts up to 30 mph. To me, the wind felt wonderful. I’m not sure how my wife felt about the wind. I think I heard a grunt or two while we were walking eastward.

Shortly after walking two miles, more like two and a half miles, we stopped the Garmins and then walked into a pet shop that is located just feet off our beaten path.

I’m on the lookout for a larger fish tank only because our two 10-gal tanks are too small for our growing Bala sharks and angel fish. The sharks are now around five-inches in length. I spotted a nice looking 29-gal tank on sale that included all accessories. I’ll continue to shop around for the best buy, though. Maybe by the end of the day I’ll be the proud owner of a larger tropical fish tank.

We also stopped at our fitness center for a quick bathroom break, leaving immediately afterwards for home base. Breakfast followed…

News Break:  I purchased a 29 gallon tropical fish tank that was on sale at Petco. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Today’s casual walk and gym workout was basically the same as yesterday’s casual walk and gym workout except today’s casual walk and gym workout was better and more fun.

This morning my wife went with me.

She did a three-mile treadmill run/walk while I threw a few dumbbells around. And believe you me, there were a lot of dumbbells in the gym today, and not one of them wanted a ceiling fan turned on.  WTF!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Due to an undisclosed illness, nothing that is serious, I’ll be off the bike for at least two to three weeks. Meanwhile, I’ll be doing some casual walks to the fitness center, stopping in for a light weight workout, and then walking home where the buffalo don’t roam.

I managed to slowly walk 2.05 miles this morning without breaking sweat. Slow walk, cool temperature = no sweat!

No sweat in the gym as well, only a 25 minute weight-machine workout along with some marathon training conversation with some middle aged chap that will be attempting his first marathon this coming January in Walt Disney World. After learning that he was running his long runs way too fast, resulting in nagging injuries, I think I have him on the right track for a successful, non-injury, first marathon.

On the way over to the gym, I ran into an older man (my age) that was training for his 20th Walt Disney Marathon in a row. We agreed that we do not own our streaks, the streaks own us.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


A zero zapper is a zero zapper no matter the distance.

I usually zap that new-week zero by bicycling, but biking hasn’t been in the cards the past two days. Monday’s ride was replaced by a routine medical appointment and today was walk day with my beautiful bride of 27 years.

I must say, this morning’s weather was perfect for doing anything outdoors. The temperature at the beginning of our walk was 62 degrees, it was cloudy and there was a heavy mist in the air that kept our bodies cool as we speed walked. We’re hoping tomorrow will be much of the same.

At mile 3.03, my wife and I ducked into the fitness center, did a round of weight machines, and then walked the 1.1 miles back to our home. It was a fun walk with a fun lady.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


This morning’s club bike ride included zillions of stop signs, traffic-signals, curves, cul-di-sacs, even a couple of U-Turns. The ride also was inundated with numerous     pre-holiday shoppers, church goers and nomadic locals, all sitting behind the wheel of their air-conditioned cocoons rushing to and fro seemingly without a care in the world. Thankfully, they all noticed us in our brightly colored biking jerseys.

We even rode our two wheelers through a marsh area that acts as a buffer between a large golf course and a neighborhood that was comprised mostly of manicured, single-family homes. And let’s not leave out a couple miles of sidewalks and asphalt pathways, and two Publix Market parking lots. Yes, we took two breaks, one short and one shorter.

All in all, however, it was a very enjoyable ride. Extremely nice folks (5 cyclists and myself) to ride with!

The overall pace was not too fast and not too slow, it was just right, exactly how the three bears would have preferred it.

And who are we to dispute bears?

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Riding the Lanes of Weston
It was 67 degrees with clear skies at the beginning of this morning’s group ride. As we say in South Florida, “Perfecto.”

After leaving the Waffle House at 7:33 AM, or to be more precise, the parking area just west of the restaurant, we turned north directly into the 10 mph wind and then east towards Flamingo Road. We were well on our way to a 29 mile, small-group bike ride.

Present and accounted for were Robert (from Britain), Mick, Angelina and me.

The wind did not seem to be an issue today, more than likely because my legs were totally rested after foregoing yesterday’s bike ride in favor of a medical appointment.

During the entire ride, which was mostly in Weston and the Southwest Ranches, we stopped only once at a Publix Market for water and a bathroom break.

One hour and 55 minutes after leaving the Waffle House area, we ended up right back where we began.

I enjoyed everyone’s company and the ride in general. Nice, safe route in near perfect weather conditions.

Friday, November 16, 2012


No bike riding for me this morning due to an appointment with my back doctor. Unfortunately, ride days are the only days that this particular doctor is available at his Pembroke Pines medical office.

Everything is okay, this morning’s appointment was just one of those follow-up appointments that we all know and love.

After arriving home from the medical appointment, and then making myself a strawberry smoothie for later consumption, I laced up my Nike running shoes and then headed out the door in the general direction of our fitness center. Because it was such a beautiful day outdoors, I chose to bypass the gym in favor of walking around the shopping mall, hoping to arrive at our cycling meet-up spot right when the guys would be returning from their bike ride.

My timing was impeccable, because as soon as I arrived at the area where we typically meet, I spotted five of my biking amigos make the turn into the parking area.

After chatting for a spell, everyone went their individual ways. They headed home while I made a U-turn and began walking in the direction of the fitness center, where I ended up doing a quick series of weight machines.

Back home, I’m now writing this post on my super computer while enjoying the heck out of that strawberry smoothie.

Bobo’s Strawberry Smoothie:
12 ice cubes
Small Block of Tofu, maybe 2 oz.
8 Frozen (or fresh) Strawberries
Squirt of Strawberry Syrup
6 oz Low Fat Strawberry Yogurt
6 oz Almond Milk
¼ to ½ Cup of Almonds
½ of a banana, frozen (optional)
Put all ingredients in blender and then blend. Place in freezer for around 2 hours. Eat with spoon and enjoy!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


No biking or walking for me today, not even a gym workout on the resistance machines.

I did, however, clean our entire condo apartment from floor to ceiling and beyond. All bed sheets and towels were laundered and the cat’s litter box scrubbed. Do all of those tasks count as exercise?

The reason for not working out was legitimate. My second of five left-knee injections of hyaluronic acid was administered this morning before most folks arrived at their work places. The injection was painless and I was out of the orthopedic surgeon’s office ten minutes after arriving. That’s what I call “good service,” and it was administered with a smile or two from a very attractive assistant.

I’m looking forward to my next visit and injection. (Did I just say that?)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


A very large group showed up this morning for our SBW Wednesday mall bike ride. But not wanting to ride fast or in a dangerously tight pace-line, something I promised myself that I would shy away from, I chose instead to ride with Gary and Ed who are two pokers just like me. And I’m glad I did, and so is my wife who worries herself sick that something is going to happen to me whenever I ride in a fast peloton. I can’t blame her for being concerned.

Other than the strong wind that was coming in from the northeast, it was a perfect cycling day. It only rained once, and that was during our coffee break, when everyone was under cover. By the time we finished our coffee and snacks, the streets were dry as dinosaur bones.

I created a new Strava segment this morning – named it “Sewer Pipe Road” because of all the months it took just to set the drain pipe in the ground. Seeing as though the segment was just created today, I set a PR this morning on that stretch of roadway. 

Say what?

Ride stats via Garmin Edge 500:

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Beginning at 7:15 this morning, I set out to walk four miles slightly above the required Walt Disney World Marathon pace. I’m pleased to report that my mission was accomplished with ease.

Starting out slow, as is always the case, each mile became faster and easier. I believe the proper term for that is “negative splits.” This is one time when negative is actually positive.

At mile marker 3.10, I ducked into the fitness center for a complete weight machine workout, all the while admiring the beautiful weather outside the gym’s plate-glass walls. With the temperature right around 77 degrees, clear skies and a slight ocean breeze, how could I not adore South Florida’s sub-tropical weather?

I was glad when the weight-machine session was over with, though. That meant that I could go back in the beautiful outdoors and then complete my training walk.

It’s now time to feed the kittens and then make myself a wholesome breakfast.

Walk stats via Strava and Garmin Connect:

Monday, November 12, 2012


Taking a chance that our Monday bike ride wouldn’t be cancelled because of threatening rain, I rode the 1.2 miles to the meet-up place to see if any of the guys would show up. They did and we pulled out of the mall area shortly after eight o’clock in the morning.

No school today, so the traffic was relatively light. I emphasize the word “relatively.” Traffic is always heavy in South Florida, especially during rush hour.

Instead of riding to the coffee shop via our usual route, we adjusted our route to include Griffin Road, the road that circles Vista View Park, and Weston Road. Even though we were booking it during much of our outbound ride, we still only averaged a pace slightly under 15 mph. This ain’t highway riding, folks, it’s all city cycling.

After enjoying our coffee and snacks and agreeing that much of America is still drinking the Kool-Aid, and after Sandy S thoroughly washed his hands after getting Boston Terrier waste on his fingers, we left the comfort and safety of the coffee shop, selecting a route that included two-lane, semi-dangerous Dykes Road. Dykes Road is a road that has zero road shoulder, only gravel and weeds. Oh, and a lot of vehicular traffic.

With two miles to go, the grey WAZ clouds finally opened up. It was real fun cycling down congested Flamingo Road in the rain at 20 mph. Adding to the fun was being in the rear of the pace-line and being sprayed by four rear tires. 

That was one time when I should have pulled.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


My wife and I had a very pleasant walk around our neighborhood beginning around 8 o’clock this morning.

We intended to keep our walking pace between 17:30 and 18:00 minutes per mile, but somehow we averaged a walk pace of 16:27. Nice surprise!

Having just had a knee injection, and not wanting to stress out the knee prior to the actual event, I need to slow up my walk training.

Aerobically, I’m fine. Averaging a HR of 87 during this morning’s walk, even at a walk pace of 16:27, was very telling. I’m not taxing the heart one iota while speed-walking.

Thank you, cycling, for keeping me fit!

Friday, November 9, 2012


This morning’s bike ride was a mixture of babbling, parks and speed. I liked the first two best of all.

On the way back to the barn from the coffee shop, where I received my free bagel and spread for being a member of their e-mail club, we rode through Robbins Park and Tree Tops Park, both located in the South Broward area of the beautiful State of Florida, USA.

Finally, at long last, I had my bike’s video camera attached to the handle bar while riding through the two parks. 

So later on today or early tomorrow morning, as soon as I do what I have to do and as soon as U-Tube does what it has to do, I’ll be posting a condensed, edited video of our ride through the two sub-tropical parks. I think you all will enjoy the simulated ride.

Average temperature during this morning’s ride was a pleasant 70 degrees F. My average heart rate was 105 for the 34 miles, but it sky rocketed up to 158 during our 24 mph sprint towards Stirling Road. I was flat out huffing and puffing.

All of you Daily Milers out there enjoy your weekend!


Video of ride, starring Edwin, Steve, Sandy and Martin from Bristol, England.  Oh, and yours truly!

(For optimal viewing, please change the video quality to HD 1080p and then click on Full Screen)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Central Florida’s Withlacoochee Trail (Rails to Trails) was everything I thought it would be, and then some.

Pulling out of our gated community around 8 a.m. last Friday (Nov. 2nd), in route to Inverness, FL and the Withlacoochee Trail, I obediently listened to my truck’s Garmin GPS, which ended up being a huge mistake. Why Samantha (our given name to the GPS’s female voice) told us to exit the Florida turnpike just north of Orlando, I’ll never know or understand.

On the other hand, I did instruct her to guide me to an IHOP in a neighboring city, so I believe that is why she steered me wrong. Come to find out, I may have listed the wrong IHOP. My bad!

Anyway, we arrived at the Central Motel in Inverness shortly after our IHOP lunch in time to suit up and head out for a short ride on the northern section of the trail. Not wanting to drift too far from the motel, we kept our first day’s ride to a minimum. Our first day’s ride was something like 13.5 miles, or pretty close to it!   

Later that afternoon, and just prior to my wife and I completing our short ride, our cycling friends arrived at the motel, all five of them. After welcoming Ed, Tom, Gary, Steve and Marty to Inverness, all seven of us headed out to a local Italian restaurant for our evening group meal.

Our second day’s ride began with the temperature steady at 55 degrees F. However, knowing that the temperature would eventually rise to near 80 F, we dressed accordingly in light cycling jerseys and cycling shorts. After freezing and shaking for the first couple/three miles, our bodies soon became accustomed to the chill. By mid-morning, we became much more comfortable while moving on the sleek road bikes.

After riding for 50+ miles on the asphalt trail, and with just six miles to go on day two’s ride, we stopped for lunch at an Irish pub that was conveniently located a stone’s throw from the trail.

My fish sandwich and fries were delicious and the beer was ice-cold.

After completing day two’s ride, everyone migrated back to their individual rooms for a late afternoon nap.  

That evening, all seven of us dined at Inverness’ Olive Garden Restaurant. The second night’s Italian food was better than the first night’s food.

Day three found us riding on the northern section of the trail, all seventeen miles of it – 34.46 miles round trip.

I enjoyed the northern section slightly better than the southern section mainly because of the adjoining lakes and increased elevation gains. Both sections, however, are tree lined and void of vehicular traffic. No motor vehicles are allowed, only joggers, walkers and bikers.  

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Just minutes after leaving our home with a gym towel in my hand, and with all intentions on going to the fitness center for a weight workout, I felt like this day was reserved for a walk in the park.

With the temperature at a pleasant 65 degrees Fahrenheit and the sky brilliant blue, I knew that being indoors in the gym, underneath florescent lighting, just wasn’t going to get it. I had to remain outdoors, and I had to take a mind-clearing walk in our tropical-paradise-of-a-park. The park, after all, is only ½ mile from our gated community.

Ironically, as soon as I entered the park, my youngest daughter called me on my cell phone with a heartfelt question. Being amongst God’s beauty gave me the insight to answer her question in a manner becoming of our faith, and in a manner that was uplifting for her and for me. Without going into detail, we put the bad guy where he belongs – behind us.

All throughout this morning’s five-mile, two-hour walk, I stopped to take pictures with my smart phone’s camera, never once placing my Garmin 110 GPS on pause. This walk was not about clock time or walking pace; it was all about walking through the garden of peace in total appreciation for what’s been provided for us by Jehovah.  

What we do with these life-sustaining endowments is completely up to us, for He has given us free will to do and think as we please.

Me? I’m staying with the good Guy – and so is my daughter.