Friday, December 28, 2012


After riding alongside my wife while she did a marathon training run, I joined my fellow little rascals at the car park. Five were present and accounted for, six including me, the oldest of the rascal group except for Ed. 

Not surprising, Ed was a no show this morning. Too cold and windy, sayeth Mr. Ed.

After a routine ride to the coffee shoppe, and after laughing our butts off at Tom’s description of a game that he played on-line, and Sandy’s new smart phone APP that takes distorted pictures, we departed the shoppe in the general direction of California (westward). After a few miles in Weston’s safe bike lanes, we did our usual sprint fest on St. Rd. 84 heading towards Markham County Park. And without fail, the wind was directly in our faces.  Why is that?  

Once in the park, we rode eastbound on the wide concrete bike lane in the general direction of the Atlantic Ocean. Actually, where we were located was only around 12 miles west of the large pond.

After leaving the semi-safe concrete bike lane, we turned south on Nob Hill Road.  After dodging a bunch of vehicular traffic, we zig zagged our way through residential neighborhoods and then finally into Tree Tops Park by way of a hidden path through a bunch of thick hedges. 

The older rascals needed a potty break, so we stopped at the log-cabin style pavilion for maybe ten minutes or so. It was there that I took the above group photo with my small Nikon 12 megapixel digital camera.

Exactly thirty eight minutes after leaving the park, I arrived safely home to once again be with the love of my life, my awesome wife. She told me that she was very pleased with her ten-mile training run and I assured her that I was exceedingly pleased to be her escort.

Two fun rides in one day! I must be living right.

In the above picture, I'm the guy wearing the black skull cap.  

1 comment:

  1. I want to get to your age an have both of those feelings: love to ride a bike a love my wife as of today. Keep pedaling!
