Sunday, December 23, 2012


Shortly after my wife, i.e. walking partner, left for work, I departed our home with the intent of only walking to and from the fitness center that is located directly across the street from our gated community. But once I squeezed between the entry gate arms, and then peered straight ahead at the serene lake, the stately palm trees and flowered shrubs, I couldn’t help but walk much farther. With the temperature right around 60F and the sky a deep blue, how could I not want to take an extended stroll? I’m glad I did!

One mile into my unplanned walk, I noticed a bunch of broken glass scattered along the sidewalk on the east side of the lake. Obviously, some inconsiderate Jackal found delight in breaking a glass bottle on the sidewalk. Because I and others ride their bikes along this section, I stooped over and brushed off all the large and small pieces of broken glass onto the grassy area. There is no shame in being the sidewalk janitor.

When I arrived on the south side of the lake and shopping mall, I was relieved to see that the parking lots were half empty. I was thinking that at 8:30 in the morning on a Sunday, maybe some of the customary shoppers were in church asking forgiveness for yesterday’s war like conditions at this very mall. I hope their heartfelt prayers are answered.

There wasn’t too much happening on the west side of the mall except for two speeding ambulances with sirens wailing. Both of them turned towards the nearby hospital, and so did I. To walk to the gym from the west sidewalk, one must walk through the hospital and medical offices’ parking areas, which brings to mind an incident that happened a couple years ago when my wife and I were walking rapidly through the parking area on our way to the hospital’s fitness center.

One of the hospital’s security personnel rode up to us on his golf cart and then began yelling that we are not allowed to exercise on hospital grounds. I told him that we were not exercising, that we were simply walking to the fitness center of which we have been members ever since the building was constructed many years ago. He wasn’t satisfied with my answer. He even told us that we had to leave the premises immediately.

I asked the security man if we were in an automobile, passing through this parking area on the way to the fitness center, would he have stopped us. He hesitantly answered “No.”

I then abruptly replied “Well then, we choose to walk instead of drive, so kindly get out of our faces. Furthermore, if you continue to harass us simply because we wish to walk instead of drive, I’ll go speak with the hospital’s administrator. And if your boss doesn’t like the fact that we enjoy walking to the gym, then I’ll contact our local newspaper and tell them how our hospital dislikes the fact that people choose to walk for their health instead of drive and pollute.”

The security guard meekly drove away in his little cart, never to be heard from again.

End of story!

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