Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Ride Number 1:
To test out my clicking left knee, my wife decided to do a short training run so that I could ride beside her to see if the knee was still misbehaving. It wasn't, so that cleared me to ride with my cycling mates.
To be continued…..


Ride Number 2:
Immediately after learning that my left knee was behaving itself, and after refilling my water bottles at home, I headed towards the meet-up place for a meet with the Wednesday cycling gang.

Not wanting to push the knee beyond its limit, I chose to ride with the snail-paced group that consisted of Gary, Ed, Cape Cod Bernie, and I.

Bernie chose to ride his recumbent this morning, which was a squat sort of bike that had a highly-visible orange flag flapping in the wind during the entire ride. Good idea, that flag, especially since most of our riding is on busy roads. However, remind me to never again ride close behind a recumbent bike with a flag supported by a pole that is angled 45 degrees towards the rear. Darn thing nearly tickled my nose!

At mile 15, give or take a few meters, we stopped for our one and only rest stop. Trail mix and coffee was my energy-boosting snack of choice. And cycling at an average pace of 11 mph, I most certainly needed a boost.

Gary needed to get back home earlier than normal for a business meeting, so the four of us left well before the other two groups parted from the coffee/bagel shoppe. And wouldn't you know that the energy sucking wind was right in our faces the entire 13 miles back to the car park.

I thoroughly enjoyed this morning’s bike ride. And I was exceedingly thrilled that not once did my left knee click like it was doing during Monday’s faster bike ride.

In my case, I believe the recipe for a healthy, non-clicking knee is biking at a moderate or slow speed. I never strayed from the recipe today!

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