Friday, February 8, 2013


Boy oh boy, did it ever feel good to venture outside and then do an escort bike ride, which amounted to riding alongside my awesome marathon-running wife while she did a training run for her upcoming Walt Disney World running event, the Princess Half Marathon.

And how could we both not love the weather!? With the average temperature right around 72 degrees, the sky covered with high altitude clouds and a slight breeze coming in from the Florida Everglades, we often commented to one another what a beautiful morning it was for a run or a ride.

Now back home, we intend on eating a robust breakfast and then watch the 1941 version of “Dumbo,” the Walt Disney World elephant with large ears. Yesterday we watched the movie “K-19: The Widow maker.” Outstanding movie!

In closing, that head cold that had me down and out for the past two days is finally leaving my body. I hope it never returns! Bye bye head cold…

Everyone have a wonderful day and weekend!!

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