Monday, February 11, 2013


Ride No. 1
My first ride of the day was an escort ride, which amounted to riding my road bike alongside my wife while she did a training run in the vicinity of our neighborhood.

When we were close to the cycling meet-up spot, I headed north to the spot and my wife headed south towards our home. At that point, she had just over one mile to go to complete her run and I had maybe one half mile to go before I met up with my cycling mates.


Ride No. 2
Shortly after meeting up with my cycling mates, and after being introduced to our new cycling companion, Scott, from the Poconos, we headed through the Rock Creek residential area and then west along Griffin Road and the gator infested canal. Soft pedaling at 20 mph along Griffin was contributable to the strong ESE wind coming off the Atlantic Ocean. There are moments when the wind is your friend!

The ride along Weston Road in certain areas is always interesting with traffic on both sides of the bike lane. There’s never a dull moment when riding on that busy road in rush hour traffic.

After enjoying my snack and Gatorade at Einstein’s, five of us headed towards Markham Park and the east/west cycling trail.

After biking on the trail directly into the ruthless wind for 6.2 miles, we turned south on S. Pine Island Road, cycled through Pine Island Ridge, rode through some residential neighborhoods, and then scurried into Tree Tops Park where the trails are bumpy, curvy and hilly.

After stopping for a potty break and conversation at the park’s office, we saddled up and left the log-cabin style office building, eventually exiting the park on Nob Hill Road.

As we rode south on Hiatus Road where the meet-up spot is located, Steve and I bid our fellow cyclists goodbye. We still had some riding to do before we came to our individual streets. Because of road resurfacing along Hiatus Rd., we had to ride on the sidewalk for a mile or so – hence the slower pace.

Much to my surprise and delight, when I arrived home my wife greeted me with a kiss and a freshly made white-chocolate pie. The kiss was no surprise, but the pie was.

Life can’t get any better than this!

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