Friday, September 7, 2012


Not counting my five-mile warm-up around the shopping mall and my two-mile cool-down in the county park, and only counting the miles that I rode with Sandy and George, my overall pace would have been 15.8 mph. Tally up all the miles and my pace was 13.9 mph.

But should of, could of doesn’t count, so I’ll take my 13.9 mph overall pace and feel proud that I can even do that. Most dudes my age (71) can’t even swing their legs over the saddle to saddle up.

After leaving the meet-up spot with Sandy and George, we caught up with Rey, Gary and Ed in a matter of minutes. They had left the barn area a few minutes earlier.

After riding together for a few minutes in a group of six, George, Sandy and I decided to take a longer route to the coffee shop. The route may have been longer, but we beat the other gentlemen to the coffee shop by at least five minutes. Ain’t we something!

After coffee, the six of us split up again, with Sandy, George and I again taking a much longer route back to the barn, and I’m sure at a much faster pace. I had to ask the boys to slow her down a tad or two so that I could keep up. They graciously worked with me by keeping the pace between 16-18 mph whenever we were not stopping or slowing for traffic, and most of that was against a constant 10 mph wind coming from the south.

Once we got to the end of Flamingo Road, I turned right into the county park while they turned left onto Johnson Street. I wanted to cool down for a couple miles and the park seemed like the perfect spot for a cool-down.

When I arrived home, fresh banana bread, strawberry yogurt and a large glass of almond milk with Ovaltine greeted me on the kitchen counter.

My two cats greeted me as well, meowing for fresh food.

Distance: 41.50 mi/66.91 km’s
Time: 2:59:15
Avg. Speed: 13.9 mph
Elevation Gain: 180 ft.
Calories: 1,456 C
Avg. Temperature: 88.0 °F

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