Monday, January 7, 2013


The weather in paradise (South Florida, USA) was perfect this morning for a bike ride. The average temperature was 71.4F, the skin-burning sun was hidden by low hanging clouds, and the wind was coming from the east at around 5 to 7 mph. Perfecto, as we say in these parts!

Needing to really slow down my overall pace the next couple/three days, this morning I chose to ride with Ed, Rey and Greg. I have some running/walking events coming up this weekend in Walt Disney World, so I must guard against stressing out my left knee and lower back. Whether or not I’ll actually participate in Disney’s 5K, half marathon and full marathon is still up in the air. Each event will be a game day decision.

The route that we took this morning was basically an out and back route, beginning at Hiatus Road & Sheridan Street – our new meet-up place. I rode my bike to and from the meet-up spot instead of driving my vehicle, so my total mileage is four miles more that my cycling amigos.

Einstein’s Bagel and Coffee Shoppe in Weston was our one rest stop, where most folks in our gang enjoyed coffee and bagels. I brought along my own snack and drink, saving myself the pain of waiting in line to order and pay. After serving four years in the US Navy many years ago, when airplanes still had propellers, I developed a dislike for lines.

Wait, I’m not that old. We had numerous fighter and attack jets aboard my aircraft carrier. But in truth we did have a handful of AD3 Sky Raiders, which were the old single-engine propeller planes. 

Anyone remember those? Come on, admit your age! LOL

Ride stats:

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