Monday, April 22, 2013


Because of the early morning rain and gloomy forecast, our regular road-bike ride was cancelled. However, not to be denied our Monday morning ride, Sandy S and I met on Stirling road riding our individual Mtn. bikes. He was riding his 2012 Mongoose and I was riding my Sears Comfort bike, an antiquated 1995 model.

There was nothing but a light sprinkle when we both left our homes, but the rest of our ride was rain-less and under the protective (from the sun) cover of slow-moving grey and white clouds. In short, it was a perfect morning for biking.

Sandy led us through some housing areas and bike paths that I never knew existed. I do believe even if my life depended on it, I could not retrace this morning’s route without a great deal of help from my Garmin GPS. I’ll save the file and then reload back into my Edge 500 should I ever want to repeat the ride.

We even did some off-road riding along a canal that is located in Tree Tops Park. Even without front or rear shocks, my bike handled the hills, bumps and lumps just fine. I can now see why so many people enjoy riding their fat-tire bikes along Mtn. bike trails.

Not too far from the end of our morning ride, we veered off into Flamingo Gardens ( After parking our bikes by using the kickstands, we enjoyed a delicious strawberry smoothie made by a pretty young lady that works at the fruit counter. While sitting on a bench and sipping our ice cold smoothies, we could have reached out and touched the passing peacocks. How cool is that?

Sitting next to our table was an all-black stray kitten with pure white whiskers. He/she was so cute! Good thing my wife wasn’t with us, for she would have wanted to bring the charming little critter home with us.

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