Friday, November 30, 2012


When a man wants a chicken sandwich, he wants a chicken sandwich.

Hungrier than a Tennessee black bear, after setting up my new 29 gallon tropical fish tank, I walked to Chick-fil-a from home (.75 of a mile), enjoyed a freshly-made spicy chicken sandwich combo with waffle-fries and a root-beer,  and then walked back home with a full belly and a wide, satisfied smile on my face.

While waking back home along the lake, I ran across a young lady that works at the adjoining hospital. She immediately began bragging on me how fit I looked. (I’m not telling this story to toot my own horn, so please stick with me). She then asked how old I am. When I guardedly responded with “71,” she really turned up the compliments.

But wait! This is what I’ve learned the past year or so.

If I wasn’t old and didn’t look old, she never would have uttered a word. She would have passed me by in total silence. Maybe a hello or good evening, but no compliments would have come from her mouth. She and most others in her age group feel like they are completely safe complimenting an older gentleman. And that’s what I am, an older gentleman. A senior citizen, if you will.

So should I take her lauding as a compliment, or do I hang my head in disparagement, knowing that I’ve been looked upon by another young lady as just another harmless older-guy who’s trying to look younger than his age?

And who of us isn’t?


Feeling somewhat fidgety sitting indoors healing from my illness, I asked my wife if she wouldn’t mind doing a slow walk with me around the neighborhood. Without hesitation, she grabbed her running shoes, laced them babies up, and out the door we went with Garmin GPS’s attached to our wrists.

We started out walking towards the ocean, or eastward, which meant walking against a 20 to 25 mph wind with gusts up to 30 mph. To me, the wind felt wonderful. I’m not sure how my wife felt about the wind. I think I heard a grunt or two while we were walking eastward.

Shortly after walking two miles, more like two and a half miles, we stopped the Garmins and then walked into a pet shop that is located just feet off our beaten path.

I’m on the lookout for a larger fish tank only because our two 10-gal tanks are too small for our growing Bala sharks and angel fish. The sharks are now around five-inches in length. I spotted a nice looking 29-gal tank on sale that included all accessories. I’ll continue to shop around for the best buy, though. Maybe by the end of the day I’ll be the proud owner of a larger tropical fish tank.

We also stopped at our fitness center for a quick bathroom break, leaving immediately afterwards for home base. Breakfast followed…

News Break:  I purchased a 29 gallon tropical fish tank that was on sale at Petco. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Today’s casual walk and gym workout was basically the same as yesterday’s casual walk and gym workout except today’s casual walk and gym workout was better and more fun.

This morning my wife went with me.

She did a three-mile treadmill run/walk while I threw a few dumbbells around. And believe you me, there were a lot of dumbbells in the gym today, and not one of them wanted a ceiling fan turned on.  WTF!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Due to an undisclosed illness, nothing that is serious, I’ll be off the bike for at least two to three weeks. Meanwhile, I’ll be doing some casual walks to the fitness center, stopping in for a light weight workout, and then walking home where the buffalo don’t roam.

I managed to slowly walk 2.05 miles this morning without breaking sweat. Slow walk, cool temperature = no sweat!

No sweat in the gym as well, only a 25 minute weight-machine workout along with some marathon training conversation with some middle aged chap that will be attempting his first marathon this coming January in Walt Disney World. After learning that he was running his long runs way too fast, resulting in nagging injuries, I think I have him on the right track for a successful, non-injury, first marathon.

On the way over to the gym, I ran into an older man (my age) that was training for his 20th Walt Disney Marathon in a row. We agreed that we do not own our streaks, the streaks own us.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


A zero zapper is a zero zapper no matter the distance.

I usually zap that new-week zero by bicycling, but biking hasn’t been in the cards the past two days. Monday’s ride was replaced by a routine medical appointment and today was walk day with my beautiful bride of 27 years.

I must say, this morning’s weather was perfect for doing anything outdoors. The temperature at the beginning of our walk was 62 degrees, it was cloudy and there was a heavy mist in the air that kept our bodies cool as we speed walked. We’re hoping tomorrow will be much of the same.

At mile 3.03, my wife and I ducked into the fitness center, did a round of weight machines, and then walked the 1.1 miles back to our home. It was a fun walk with a fun lady.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


This morning’s club bike ride included zillions of stop signs, traffic-signals, curves, cul-di-sacs, even a couple of U-Turns. The ride also was inundated with numerous     pre-holiday shoppers, church goers and nomadic locals, all sitting behind the wheel of their air-conditioned cocoons rushing to and fro seemingly without a care in the world. Thankfully, they all noticed us in our brightly colored biking jerseys.

We even rode our two wheelers through a marsh area that acts as a buffer between a large golf course and a neighborhood that was comprised mostly of manicured, single-family homes. And let’s not leave out a couple miles of sidewalks and asphalt pathways, and two Publix Market parking lots. Yes, we took two breaks, one short and one shorter.

All in all, however, it was a very enjoyable ride. Extremely nice folks (5 cyclists and myself) to ride with!

The overall pace was not too fast and not too slow, it was just right, exactly how the three bears would have preferred it.

And who are we to dispute bears?

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Riding the Lanes of Weston
It was 67 degrees with clear skies at the beginning of this morning’s group ride. As we say in South Florida, “Perfecto.”

After leaving the Waffle House at 7:33 AM, or to be more precise, the parking area just west of the restaurant, we turned north directly into the 10 mph wind and then east towards Flamingo Road. We were well on our way to a 29 mile, small-group bike ride.

Present and accounted for were Robert (from Britain), Mick, Angelina and me.

The wind did not seem to be an issue today, more than likely because my legs were totally rested after foregoing yesterday’s bike ride in favor of a medical appointment.

During the entire ride, which was mostly in Weston and the Southwest Ranches, we stopped only once at a Publix Market for water and a bathroom break.

One hour and 55 minutes after leaving the Waffle House area, we ended up right back where we began.

I enjoyed everyone’s company and the ride in general. Nice, safe route in near perfect weather conditions.

Friday, November 16, 2012


No bike riding for me this morning due to an appointment with my back doctor. Unfortunately, ride days are the only days that this particular doctor is available at his Pembroke Pines medical office.

Everything is okay, this morning’s appointment was just one of those follow-up appointments that we all know and love.

After arriving home from the medical appointment, and then making myself a strawberry smoothie for later consumption, I laced up my Nike running shoes and then headed out the door in the general direction of our fitness center. Because it was such a beautiful day outdoors, I chose to bypass the gym in favor of walking around the shopping mall, hoping to arrive at our cycling meet-up spot right when the guys would be returning from their bike ride.

My timing was impeccable, because as soon as I arrived at the area where we typically meet, I spotted five of my biking amigos make the turn into the parking area.

After chatting for a spell, everyone went their individual ways. They headed home while I made a U-turn and began walking in the direction of the fitness center, where I ended up doing a quick series of weight machines.

Back home, I’m now writing this post on my super computer while enjoying the heck out of that strawberry smoothie.

Bobo’s Strawberry Smoothie:
12 ice cubes
Small Block of Tofu, maybe 2 oz.
8 Frozen (or fresh) Strawberries
Squirt of Strawberry Syrup
6 oz Low Fat Strawberry Yogurt
6 oz Almond Milk
¼ to ½ Cup of Almonds
½ of a banana, frozen (optional)
Put all ingredients in blender and then blend. Place in freezer for around 2 hours. Eat with spoon and enjoy!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


No biking or walking for me today, not even a gym workout on the resistance machines.

I did, however, clean our entire condo apartment from floor to ceiling and beyond. All bed sheets and towels were laundered and the cat’s litter box scrubbed. Do all of those tasks count as exercise?

The reason for not working out was legitimate. My second of five left-knee injections of hyaluronic acid was administered this morning before most folks arrived at their work places. The injection was painless and I was out of the orthopedic surgeon’s office ten minutes after arriving. That’s what I call “good service,” and it was administered with a smile or two from a very attractive assistant.

I’m looking forward to my next visit and injection. (Did I just say that?)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


A very large group showed up this morning for our SBW Wednesday mall bike ride. But not wanting to ride fast or in a dangerously tight pace-line, something I promised myself that I would shy away from, I chose instead to ride with Gary and Ed who are two pokers just like me. And I’m glad I did, and so is my wife who worries herself sick that something is going to happen to me whenever I ride in a fast peloton. I can’t blame her for being concerned.

Other than the strong wind that was coming in from the northeast, it was a perfect cycling day. It only rained once, and that was during our coffee break, when everyone was under cover. By the time we finished our coffee and snacks, the streets were dry as dinosaur bones.

I created a new Strava segment this morning – named it “Sewer Pipe Road” because of all the months it took just to set the drain pipe in the ground. Seeing as though the segment was just created today, I set a PR this morning on that stretch of roadway. 

Say what?

Ride stats via Garmin Edge 500:

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Beginning at 7:15 this morning, I set out to walk four miles slightly above the required Walt Disney World Marathon pace. I’m pleased to report that my mission was accomplished with ease.

Starting out slow, as is always the case, each mile became faster and easier. I believe the proper term for that is “negative splits.” This is one time when negative is actually positive.

At mile marker 3.10, I ducked into the fitness center for a complete weight machine workout, all the while admiring the beautiful weather outside the gym’s plate-glass walls. With the temperature right around 77 degrees, clear skies and a slight ocean breeze, how could I not adore South Florida’s sub-tropical weather?

I was glad when the weight-machine session was over with, though. That meant that I could go back in the beautiful outdoors and then complete my training walk.

It’s now time to feed the kittens and then make myself a wholesome breakfast.

Walk stats via Strava and Garmin Connect:

Monday, November 12, 2012


Taking a chance that our Monday bike ride wouldn’t be cancelled because of threatening rain, I rode the 1.2 miles to the meet-up place to see if any of the guys would show up. They did and we pulled out of the mall area shortly after eight o’clock in the morning.

No school today, so the traffic was relatively light. I emphasize the word “relatively.” Traffic is always heavy in South Florida, especially during rush hour.

Instead of riding to the coffee shop via our usual route, we adjusted our route to include Griffin Road, the road that circles Vista View Park, and Weston Road. Even though we were booking it during much of our outbound ride, we still only averaged a pace slightly under 15 mph. This ain’t highway riding, folks, it’s all city cycling.

After enjoying our coffee and snacks and agreeing that much of America is still drinking the Kool-Aid, and after Sandy S thoroughly washed his hands after getting Boston Terrier waste on his fingers, we left the comfort and safety of the coffee shop, selecting a route that included two-lane, semi-dangerous Dykes Road. Dykes Road is a road that has zero road shoulder, only gravel and weeds. Oh, and a lot of vehicular traffic.

With two miles to go, the grey WAZ clouds finally opened up. It was real fun cycling down congested Flamingo Road in the rain at 20 mph. Adding to the fun was being in the rear of the pace-line and being sprayed by four rear tires. 

That was one time when I should have pulled.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


My wife and I had a very pleasant walk around our neighborhood beginning around 8 o’clock this morning.

We intended to keep our walking pace between 17:30 and 18:00 minutes per mile, but somehow we averaged a walk pace of 16:27. Nice surprise!

Having just had a knee injection, and not wanting to stress out the knee prior to the actual event, I need to slow up my walk training.

Aerobically, I’m fine. Averaging a HR of 87 during this morning’s walk, even at a walk pace of 16:27, was very telling. I’m not taxing the heart one iota while speed-walking.

Thank you, cycling, for keeping me fit!

Friday, November 9, 2012


This morning’s bike ride was a mixture of babbling, parks and speed. I liked the first two best of all.

On the way back to the barn from the coffee shop, where I received my free bagel and spread for being a member of their e-mail club, we rode through Robbins Park and Tree Tops Park, both located in the South Broward area of the beautiful State of Florida, USA.

Finally, at long last, I had my bike’s video camera attached to the handle bar while riding through the two parks. 

So later on today or early tomorrow morning, as soon as I do what I have to do and as soon as U-Tube does what it has to do, I’ll be posting a condensed, edited video of our ride through the two sub-tropical parks. I think you all will enjoy the simulated ride.

Average temperature during this morning’s ride was a pleasant 70 degrees F. My average heart rate was 105 for the 34 miles, but it sky rocketed up to 158 during our 24 mph sprint towards Stirling Road. I was flat out huffing and puffing.

All of you Daily Milers out there enjoy your weekend!


Video of ride, starring Edwin, Steve, Sandy and Martin from Bristol, England.  Oh, and yours truly!

(For optimal viewing, please change the video quality to HD 1080p and then click on Full Screen)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Central Florida’s Withlacoochee Trail (Rails to Trails) was everything I thought it would be, and then some.

Pulling out of our gated community around 8 a.m. last Friday (Nov. 2nd), in route to Inverness, FL and the Withlacoochee Trail, I obediently listened to my truck’s Garmin GPS, which ended up being a huge mistake. Why Samantha (our given name to the GPS’s female voice) told us to exit the Florida turnpike just north of Orlando, I’ll never know or understand.

On the other hand, I did instruct her to guide me to an IHOP in a neighboring city, so I believe that is why she steered me wrong. Come to find out, I may have listed the wrong IHOP. My bad!

Anyway, we arrived at the Central Motel in Inverness shortly after our IHOP lunch in time to suit up and head out for a short ride on the northern section of the trail. Not wanting to drift too far from the motel, we kept our first day’s ride to a minimum. Our first day’s ride was something like 13.5 miles, or pretty close to it!   

Later that afternoon, and just prior to my wife and I completing our short ride, our cycling friends arrived at the motel, all five of them. After welcoming Ed, Tom, Gary, Steve and Marty to Inverness, all seven of us headed out to a local Italian restaurant for our evening group meal.

Our second day’s ride began with the temperature steady at 55 degrees F. However, knowing that the temperature would eventually rise to near 80 F, we dressed accordingly in light cycling jerseys and cycling shorts. After freezing and shaking for the first couple/three miles, our bodies soon became accustomed to the chill. By mid-morning, we became much more comfortable while moving on the sleek road bikes.

After riding for 50+ miles on the asphalt trail, and with just six miles to go on day two’s ride, we stopped for lunch at an Irish pub that was conveniently located a stone’s throw from the trail.

My fish sandwich and fries were delicious and the beer was ice-cold.

After completing day two’s ride, everyone migrated back to their individual rooms for a late afternoon nap.  

That evening, all seven of us dined at Inverness’ Olive Garden Restaurant. The second night’s Italian food was better than the first night’s food.

Day three found us riding on the northern section of the trail, all seventeen miles of it – 34.46 miles round trip.

I enjoyed the northern section slightly better than the southern section mainly because of the adjoining lakes and increased elevation gains. Both sections, however, are tree lined and void of vehicular traffic. No motor vehicles are allowed, only joggers, walkers and bikers.