Friday, August 17, 2012


After riding around the mall at an 8 mph pace for four miles, and then meeting up with the fellows on the east side of the mall, the six of us kept today’s speed between 15-20 mph. Heavy traffic and red lights kept our overall pace much lower, though.

Our ride this morning started out with a bang – literally. Stopped at a traffic signal at Hiatus and Sheridan St, in front of several cars that were behind us in the middle lane, some guy made a left hand turn right in front of a lady that was racing through the intersection. After a moment of screeching tires, the two cars collided, scattering debris all over the place, some of which landed just inches from our feet and tires. Tom said he felt something glance off of him. I was behind Tom!

Two miles and eight minutes later when cycling through a residential neighborhood, some dim-wit, dumb-ass lady made a U-turn right in front of our 18 mph pace-line, blocking us from continuing on. A little bit closer and she would have smacked right into Sandy who was leading the pace-line. You just can’t make this sort of thing up!

And then on the way home, there was a grey squirrel that darted across one of the Southwest Ranches roads, confused and disoriented. The truck that was coming in the squirrel’s lane, in the opposite direction that we were traveling, chose to ignore the poor little animal by not slowing down. End result was one instantly disabled squirrel that was hit in the rear by a butt-head motorist that has no respect for living creatures - probably not even humans.

Besides all the above, it was a lovely ride in the hot, steamy sub-tropics of South Florida, USA. The average temp during the ride was 88 F. Full sun, no clouds!

Don’t you wish you were here?

Distance: 34.01 miles
Moving Time: 02:29:19
Average/Max Speed: 13.7 mph/21.5 mph
Average/Max HR: 127 bpm/158 bpm
Elevation Gain: 121 feet (two bridges)
Calories Burned: 1168

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