After meeting up with Ed and Rey at the meet-up spot at 7 AM, and then cycling with them into the City of Weston, I stayed behind when they headed back to the meet-up spot. Ed had an appointment later in the day, which accounts for the early pedals-up time.
My aim then was to ride around for a while in Weston and Sunrise and then meet up with the other cyclists that left the meet-up spot one hour after Ed, Rey and I left. My mission was accomplished as I spotted Greg, Doug, Ron, Tom and Sandy at Einstein’s Coffee and Bagel Shop.
After sitting around the round table for a spell, chatting about everything under the sun, the six of us headed towards the meet-up spot at a much faster pace than what I rode with Ed and Rey. I have to admit, it did feel good to get the old heart pumping in zone 3 and 4. Too much faster than that and I may have found myself in the ozone.
There were only two negatives during this morning’s ride.
Number one was when some recklessly impatient, wanker cab driver wanted to tailgate me when approaching an intersection. I let him know just how I felt about it. He drove away grumbling incoherently. Ed commented that perhaps the cabbie hadn't yet had his morning coffee.
Number two was when one of our more inattentive senior-citizen drivers allowed her car to roll backwards when I was crossing a major roadway between the rear of her car and the front of a panicking young lady driving a small red sedan. All traffic was stopped at the time at a major intersection.
After repeatedly slapping the trunk of the older lady’s car, she finally realized that her car was rolling backward. She then looked left through the driver’s window, peering through her bifocals that looked to be the thickness of the bottom of a coke bottle, and meekly apologized to me and any bystander within earshot of her inaudible voice.
In a way, I felt really bad for the elderly lady. After all, she is someone’s grandmother or great grandmother – who might want to consider giving up driving for bus riding.