Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Regarding an alligator attack on a man that was swimming in a Central Florida lake May the 16th, in my opinion the alligator had every right to defend its territory by whatever means available.

The man, a Central Florida triathlete that was allegedly in training for competition, chose to swim in a lake well known for supporting Florida’s natural predators.

Doug McCard was swimming in the lake at Moss Park on Sunday when the alligator chomped down on him. The alligator was believed to be 8 or 9 feet long. The 35-year-old says he swims in the same lake every weekend to train for competition.

Admittedly mindful of the lake’s gator populace, he should have known better.
A trapper has been dispatched by the Florida Water Commission to catch the alligator.

Let’s switch this around to a hypothetical scenario and pretend that the gator uninvitingly crawled into Doug’s home and Doug and family began chomping at the gator in defense of their home. Would a pack of gators have the right to storm into Doug’s home in search of Doug and family for the sole purpose of destroying the family or displacing them to a different and unfamiliar location?

Same question should a man or woman be bitten by a shark or barracuda. What should we as humans do, go into the oceans and rid the world of all sharks and barracudas? Of course not!

Why, then, doesn’t Doug and company decide on a different lake or body of water for their triathlon training? How does a manmade swimming pool sound?

Why must mankind continue with his selfish, despicable carnage, not only on animals but also his own kind?

I am again reminded how we treated the American Indians when we unlawfully settled on their land, slaughtered their animals, destroyed their crops and raped their women. One only has to go back in history to learn the senseless brutality of mankind.

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