Monday, April 19, 2010


After taking one week to rest from last week’s Olympic distance triathlon, and after completing three subsequent weight machine workouts, it’s time to buckle down and begin eighteen weeks or less of half ironman training. I’m thinking that twelve weeks will suffice, but most of the online training schedules say eighteen to twenty weeks. I’ll more than likely opt for the shorter one.

This morning’s extreme weather prevented me from venturing outdoors for my first scheduled swim and later a bike workout in the county park. Training schedules are like that, you never know when adjustments must be made. One good thing about having a gym membership is that it will basically eliminate missed workouts due to inclement weather.

In the place of swimming and biking, I peddled fifteen miles in one hour on one of the fitness center’s stationary bikes – the ones that are used for those loud, brutal spinning classes. I then ran/walked three miles on a treadmill. I wish I could have swam in the pool instead of running and walking, mainly because running and walking come easy to me, but at least I got in a workout that was every bit as equal to a moderate speed, half-mile swim.

Quite frankly, and I don’t say this boastfully, I feel that I’m already prepared for the half ironman’s 1.2 mile swim and 13.1 run. But I do need some serious work with the biking, mainly training my rear end to sit on a tiny bike seat mile after mile, hour after hour, without grimacing too much. Biking, then, will be my main focus during the next few weeks of training.

1 comment:

  1. Bob, you are absolutly amazing for a man in his thirties, muchless 68. Keep up the good work, I am very proud to be your friend. I just wish I could be in half the shape you are....
