Just prior to the sun making its initial appearance, I did a semi-brisk walk up and down Johnson Street with my wife! Bringing up our heart rates by walking briskly was not our reason for picking up our walking pace; just doing something outside together in the relative coolness of the morning was.
Later that day, we walked the one-mile round trip to our fitness center and back for the sole purpose of working out on the numerous resistance machines. I counted 12 machines in my workout.
While we were walking along the bank of the lake, we spotted an Ibis in search of unsuspecting minnows swimming about near the surface of the water.
After spotting the Ibis, my wife then spotted an old crow wearing a cut-off green shirt. Not being one to pass up such a photo op, she snapped a picture of both birds.
The old crow eventually scared off the younger Ibis!
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