Aside from getting lost in a residential section and the hordes of rush-hour vehicular traffic, this morning’s half-metric century mountain bike ride was peaceful and full of awesome tropical sights.

Wildlife spotting’s included countless species of birds, turtles, schools of fish, feral cats, horses, cows, bulls, dogs (large and small), a dead possum, even a squirrel that was begging for leftovers from the patrons at Einstein’s Coffee and Bagel Shoppe. Thinking that he wouldn't like a bite of my Wild Cherry Shot Blok, I tossed the little rascal some scraps from my oatmeal bar.
Unwilling to sit there and listen to a phony Viet Nam war hero (he never served in Nam), I departed Einstein’s and my friends somewhat impulsively. This particular jackal is not a part of our biking group, yet he insists on sitting at our sidewalk table. I don’t get it! Come to think of it, when it comes to understanding people, there are a lot of things that “I don’t get.”
Anyway, I enjoyed my solo ride. The ride was exceptionally slow, but so was the turtle that I spotted.
In closing, I’m slow, I know it, so get over it!
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