Sunday, August 18, 2013


There were no videos to watch, my wife was at her work place, the cats were sleeping, so what was a man to do but to work out in the gym and/or ride his bike around the neighborhood. 

It looked like a rain shower was approaching, so I chose to walk to the gym and then do a weight-machine workout with all the other people who were lost for something to do.

I reached the gym just as the sky released gallons and gallons of liquid sunshine on the area. Good timing, old timer!

While working out on the first machine, a leg-abductor machine that faces the large plate glass windows, I enjoyed looking out across the lake as the rain droplets became evident on the water’s surface. The increased wind velocity was evident as well. Two waddling ducks walking along the lake’s western bank must have thought they were in duck heaven.

My walk to the gym was slow as malaises, the weight-machine workout was intense, and the other occupants of the gym basically kept to themselves – what few there were on a Sunday morning. According to my wife, most of the area’s general public was shopping in her store for last minute school clothes and school supplies. Public schools in this area reconvene tomorrow!

My question is, why do people procrastinate so much? Just like Christmas time, when half the population waits ‘till the day before Christmas to purchase many of their gifts. Do they not know that Christmas falls on the same month and day each year? I’m just sayin’…

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