Saturday, June 22, 2013


Combination breaststroke and freestyle for 12 laps in our condo’s swimming pool. Total distance was 440 yards, or 400 meters.

I seriously need to work on controlled breathing. It was somewhat difficult to expel air prior to taking another breath. Needless to say, breathing while swimming is much more difficult than breathing while cycling or walking.

Taking into consideration that this was my first swim of the summer, I suppose I shouldn’t expect to swim like a barracuda. Proper breathing while swimming takes a lot of practice. I’ll get better with every swim workout.

Even though it was 88 degrees Fahrenheit outdoors, I still wanted to get in a casual two-mile walk irrespective of the high temperature.  On top of wanting to get in a walk, I was scheduled for a weight machine workout in our hospital’s fitness center.  Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays are gym days. 

So after applying sunscreen on all exposed body parts, off I went into the jungle of humankind, determined to keep the walk at a casual pace regardless of how quickly I wanted to get out of the burning sun.  Walking slow is easy for me, though, because that’s what I do, walk slowly.

The fitness center was basically empty of homo sapiens, so I more or less had my pick of machines.  Working out on only 12 machines, and only doing one set per machine, the workout was comparatively quick.  Twenty minutes max!  I spend very little time going from one machine to the next.

It’s now time to relax, pop some popcorn, take my frozen smoothie out of the freezer, and then see what free movies Comcast has to offer.           

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