Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Noticing numerous walkers out and about this morning, I have to believe that the 100% cloud coverage offered me and others ideal conditions for a walk. The wind was blowing quite strongly as well, so we even had nature’s fan keeping us cool despite the high humidity.
Somewhere in the middle of the walk, I ducked into the gym for a scaled-back weight-machine workout. I counted a total of twelve machine exercises, mostly upper-body.
A bunch of parallel-bar leg lifts tightened up the abdomen quite nicely.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Although our overall riding pace of nearly 14 mph isn't anything to write home about, it seemed like Sandy and I were constantly hammering during this morning’s 22-mile bike ride. Both of us even set new PR’s on one of our Strava segment, his being much faster than mine.
I do recall, however, that Sandy and I was always slowing down to allow the other three to catch up. That, I’m sure, shot down any hopes of an overall pace that our moms and pops would have been proud of.
The wind was vicious! Blowing in from the east between 18-25 mph, the wind kept our heart rates higher than normal for that speed and distance.
And then there was the unrelenting heat. No wonder I’m home chug-a-lugging a tall glass of cold water.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
This was the first ride of any distance on my new Mtn Bike.
Anyhow, I turned north onto Nob Hill Road, turned into the bike paths that zig-zag between houses in the Forrest Ridge section, turned south onto Pine Island Road and then back onto the Orange Drive bike path that runs along the canal. As soon as I reached University Drive, a mega-busy six-lane road full of horseless carriages, I turned around and began heading west. I had no desire to mingle with Sunday morning traffic on any roadway.
As soon as I left my wife’s work place, where I dropped her off for another eight hours of toiling away in the clothing department, I headed out on my new Mtn bike. My route of choice was the bike path that runs along the South New River Canal. I had in mind some expanded routes but wouldn't make any directional decision until the time came.
While riding along the canal, one couldn't help but hear the melodic cock-a-doodle-doo coming from a nearby farm. It was obvious that Mr. Rooster thought it was time for everything living to rise and shine. After all, it was just after 6:30 a.m. as the sun was making its grand entrance from the east.
That’s right, folks. The sun rises from the east on this side of the Atlantic pond as well. And we put our pants on one leg at a time. People are people no matter where they reside – and ain't that so.

After reaching Flamingo Road, which is basically where I began the ride, I turned northward and then westward onto SW 36 Ct., a street that takes you past the old Kapok Tree section where large oak trees full of Spanish Moss is commonplace. That area reminds me what South Florida used to look like before the transformation from green to concrete.
From the Kapok Tree area, I ended up biking along a horse trail that exits at the entrance to a popular nudist camp. The rules state that one must strip of all clothes, so I did a rapid change when passing the entrance from my red cycling outfit to nothing and then back to my red cycling kit. I was relieved to hear nothing but silence and no laughter when passing the entrance. LOL
I then passed Mount Trashmore and the Boy Scout Camp along Boy Scout Road. I spotted no trash or boy scouts, only fellow cyclists that were speeding down the road on their road bikes. They waved and I waved. It was nice to be recognized as a cyclist in spite of me riding on sidewalks and asphalt bike paths.
Just before passing the entrance to the nudist camp, I opened up the bike’s throttle to 22.5 mph. I had to know what I could do on the flats without assistance from the wind or while accelerating down a bridge. I ran out of road, otherwise I may have been able to reach 25 mph on the Mtn bike. Maybe next outing I'll be able to go faster!
After heading east on the bike path that runs along the canal, my non-adventurous bike ride ended in the parking lot of Wal-Mart, where I began. I then walked into the store to put my wife’s mind at ease, letting her know that I survived another South Florida bike ride – and ain't that so.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
I wasn’t intending to purchase a new mountain bike today, I really wasn’t. But when Sandy and I first entered our area’s new Performance Bike Shop earlier today, I couldn’t keep my eyes off the shiny new Diamondback Outlook Mtn. Bike that was securely sitting on one of several floor racks. I looked at a few other bikes, but I kept going back to the blue, red and black Diamondback.
The 2013 Diamondback Outlook is a great choice for rides in the neighborhood or at local parks. It sports a DB 6061-T6 Aluminum MTB frame complete with fender and rack mounts. The Trail XC 50mm travel front suspension fork will take the bite off any harsh road surface or gravel path.
A nice blend of Shimano components including shifters and front/rear derailleurs gives you easy access to a wide range of gears--to climb hills and cruise the flats easily. Sturdier double wall rims from Weinmann add durability to a solid mountain bike.
As soon as I got my new bike home, I replaced the original pedals with SPD Mtn. Bike pedals. I also changed saddles to a Serfas Mtn. Bike Saddle, installed a spare tire and tool bag underneath the Serfas saddle, and installed a bottle holder and a small emergency air pump on the frame. I’m now ready to do some sidewalk, trail and park riding in between road bike days.
Friday, May 24, 2013
After riding alongside my wife for five miles while she did training run/walk, I joined my wheel mates at the meet-up place for an additional 31 miles.
On the way to the coffee shop, I rode with Sandy, Stephen, Ron, Gary and Rey at a 14.2 mph pace. There was another gentleman rider, but I haven’t a clue what his name was. He never said and I never asked!
After chatting and drinking coffee at Einstein’s Bagel Shop for 45 minutes, three of us took an entirely new route back to the car park. Fundamentally, the other four took off from the coffee shop without us. That was when Sandy, Stephen and I said “Phooey on them, we’ll take a different, more exciting route back to the meet-up spot.” And that we did!
Once there, we slowly rode our bikes out on the wooded boardwalk as far as we could - pausing at the end to take some photos. Because of the high air temperature (lower 90's) and the lack of shade, we hung around for only 10 minutes of so.
The ride from the coffee shop back to the car park, including our stop at the nature preserve, was done at a 15.5 mph pace.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
At least 40 to 45 minutes of this walk and its related clock time, was spent inside the fitness center pushing and pulling on resistance machines. I never pushed the pause button on the Garmin 110 while inside the gym.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
I simply love walking along our lake whenever it’s cloudy and windy, so I attempted to make this afternoon’s walk to and from our fitness center last as long as I could.
There’s just something special about walking outdoors during inclement weather. Right before and right after a hurricane, you’ll typically find me outdoors surveying the situation while enjoying the rain and wind. Weird, I know!
Anyway, I reduced my usual slow walk to a relaxed stroll, taking in all the area’s sub-tropical beauty. I couldn't help but thank our Maker for His remarkable creation.
While inside the fitness center, I found myself pushing and pulling on most of the resistance machines with extra vigor. Even after dusting, vacuuming and sponge-mopping our entire condo, plus completely cleaning both baths, I felt like I had energy to spare.
I suppose some days you got it and some days you don’t. If only we could have it every day!
Monday, May 20, 2013
After riding alongside my wife for five miles while she did a training run, I joined my cycling buddies, Tom, Ron, Ed, Rey and Stephen, for 27 additional miles. By choice, we kept the riding pace casual all throughout the ride.
The rain held off until the final two miles, and then it poured. The rain felt good, though.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
My wife and I walked around the lake, mall and hospital area, stopping in at the hospital's fitness center at mile 3.2 for a weight machine workout.
It was (nearly) hot as Hades outside. Even I complained of the heat and humidity.
We spent nearly 40-minutes inside the gym pushing and pulling on weight resistance machines. It's imperative that we maintain our muscle mass as well as our aerobic conditioning.
We spent nearly 40-minutes inside the gym pushing and pulling on weight resistance machines. It's imperative that we maintain our muscle mass as well as our aerobic conditioning.
Friday, May 17, 2013
After riding alongside my wife on my road-bike while she did a training run, I hooked up with my cycling mates for 25 additional miles.
Today’s bike ride included two rest stops, one at Einstein’s Bagel and Coffee Shoppe and one at Flamingo Gardens. We went from hot coffee to freezing strawberry smoothies.
This was a fun ride with my remarkable wife and then with my awesome cycling mates. I must be living right.
Escort Ride: 5.2 mph average.
Group Ride: 15.35 mph average.
Combined Rides: 11.1 mph average.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
We had some extra time earlier this morning before my wife had to leave for work, so we casually walked to and from the hospital’s fitness center, which was a total of two miles.
While in the gym, I did a quick series of weight machines while my wife labored on the stair stepper.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
For safety concerns, plus my unwillingness to ride fast in a pace-line, I opted out of the advanced ride in favor of the slower ride.
It’s not like the faster guys are dangerous to ride with, but it’s a fact that speeding in a tight pace-line can be dangerous to your health. On the other hand, so can riding with individuals that refuse to stop at stop signs, insisting on wiggling their way to the front past cars that are already stopped at traffic signals, and riding with guys that do not slow down when turning onto busy roadways.
Even though I rode with the slower group to the coffee shoppe, after our coffee break I rode back to my ending point alone. Instead of taking the usual route back, I wanted to ride on the bike trail that runs alongside the South New River Canal. The others didn't! The narrow asphalt bike path extends all the way from Vista View Park to 441, a distance of nearly nine-miles.
I love going slow along the canal looking for alligators and other reptiles that make the canal their home. No gators spotted today, however, only turtles and Ibis'.
Ironically, turtles and I have one thing in common – we’re both slow. The only difference is, I’m slow by choice.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I rode my fat-tire bike 51.74 miles this morning on mostly sidewalks, gravel, rocks, tall grass, horse trails, dirt and sandy asphalt bike paths.
The solo bike ride began at my wife's work place. After departing from her employer's large parking lot, I rode westward all the way to the Florida Everglades. A picture was taken of my bike with the Everglades in the background.
I then turned around and rode to the Atlantic Ocean, took a picture of my bike with the ocean in the background, and then turned around and rode back to my wife's place of employment.
Twice I stopped my bike to refill my one water bottle, once at Vista View Park (Mount Trashmore) and once at a Publix Market not far from the ocean. When at Publix, I bought two large candy bars for needed energy.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Today’s ride was not a long or fast ride, but it was a fun casual ride with Sandy S, Ron, Stephen and Gary.
After enjoying some fresh coffee and bagels at Einstein’s, we took a slightly different route back to the meet-up place. I liked the new route because it was different and the route had some asphalt bike lanes that ran parallel to the road.
(Isn't that the way most bike lanes usually run, parallel to the roads?) Duh!!!
After enjoying some fresh coffee and bagels at Einstein’s, we took a slightly different route back to the meet-up place. I liked the new route because it was different and the route had some asphalt bike lanes that ran parallel to the road.
(Isn't that the way most bike lanes usually run, parallel to the roads?) Duh!!!
Friday, May 10, 2013
This was an enjoyable bike ride with Gary, Stephen and Sandy S. that starting out at our usual meet-up spot and ended at my wife’s work place. I stopped to place my bike inside our parked truck while the others continued on to the meet-up spot on their bikes.
We added on some additional miles this morning prior to taking our one break at Einstein’s Bagel Shoppe in Weston. Knowing that I’d be cutting my ride short, I thought it best to add on some extra mileage before settling in at Einstein’s with my large blueberry muffin and hot coffee.
Nice day, sort of on the hot side, but nice. Summer has definitely arrived.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Too busy to ride yesterday, I was itching to get out on my bike this morning. The bike of choice this morning was my ill-fated fat-tire bike, the one that is ordained to end up in the garbage heap in a few short weeks. The old relic is beginning to aggravate me to no end.
This morning’s bike ride found me riding on sidewalks, sandy vacant lots, trashed parking lots full of broken glass, road-side grass and dirt, through a small tree-covered park that is designed for dog walkers and baby strollers, and twice over the Florida Turnpike overpasses. When riding over the first overpass, I snapped a picture of the morning traffic passing underneath. When peering down below, I was glad that I was riding a bike and not riding in a vehicle on the turnpike.
To a certain extent, today's ride this morning was an exploration ride, one where I scout certain roadways for decent sidewalks, what side of the road the sidewalks are located and etc.
In the very near future, I plan to ride all the way to the Florida Everglades, turn around and then ride all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. From the ocean, I’ll then head westward back to my home. It is to my advantage to know the best path, or roads, to take. Google Earth helps, but it’s not 100% accurate.
Where I live, it is approximately the same distance to the ocean as it is to the Everglades, maybe a couple of miles closer to the Glades, so I’m looking at a round trip of roughly 45-50 miles on busy roads and sidewalks. I can't wait!
My wife and I slowly walked to and from the gym, plus we did
a weight machine workout while inside the gym.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
My wife and I walked to Chick-Fil-A for dinner, stopped in at the local pet store to pet the kittens, and then walked back home.
The total walking time includes eating in Chick-Fil-A’s crowded dining room and then petting the kittens. I never put the Garmin 110 on pause.
Monday, May 6, 2013
This was a typical Monday morning ride with Tom, Sandy and Stephen. We rode to the coffee shoppe, enjoyed conversing about everything under the sun, and then we rode back to the car park area taking a different route.
The temperature was 64F at the beginning of our ride and in the lower 80’s at the end. Nice!
Group pace was 14.88 mph and my overall pace was 13.0 mph due to necessary sidewalk riding to and from the meet-up place.
I walked to and from the hospital’s
medical offices for an annual medical appointment. Received an outstanding report! It was suggested that whatever I’m doing to
remain healthy, keep doing it. I shall
Sunday, May 5, 2013
South Broward Wheelers Intermediate Bike Ride
This was a cycling club intermediate bike ride with twelve of my riding mates, celebrating Shari’s ??? birthday. Funny thing is, I never did see a birthday cake with candles. I don’t believe we could have lit the candles anyway.
I thoroughly enjoyed this type of ride. Our overall pace was 14.1 mph while trying to keep the pace between 14-16 mph. Quite often we went well above that pace, but we also went below our advertised pace when stopping at multiple traffic signals and stop signs.
Ride Stats:
Dis: 28.54 miles
Riding Time: 2:01:37
My av/pace: 14.1 mph
My max/speed: 23.5 mph
El. Gain: 31 Feet
My Av/rpm: 73
Cal Burned: 600
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Friday, May 3, 2013
Surprisingly, we had an unanticipated large window of opportunity to ride this morning as the rained remained at bay, allowing five of us to pedal our sleek road bikes to Einstein’s Bagel Shoppe and back.
Due to vacationing in the mountains of Tennessee and then spending two days in Walt Disney World, this morning’s ride was my first road-bike ride since April 19th. That’s too long off the bike. I gotta tell y’all, it sure felt good getting back in the saddle and on the road.
My average speed while with my four amigos was 14.1 mph but only 12.7 mph overall because of the sidewalk riding to and from the meet-up place.
We paid strict attention to all stop signs this morning, which is what we should have been doing all along. While riding to the meet-up spot early this morning, one of our amigos was given a written warning by one of our alert sheriff deputies for cruising through a stop sign. I hope everyone in our small group heeds the warning.
I also walked with my wife to and from the gym. We did most of the upper and lower body resistance machines while in the fitness center.
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