I instead walked approximately three miles in and around our hospital and shopping mall’s parking areas, taking in the beauty and the relative quietness of the early morning. The temperature was a pleasant 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The 3-4 mph westerly breeze blew the cool misty air over my half-naked body, making the morning stroll even more pleasant. It was a perfect morning for a casual walk.
When passing by a county bus depot that’s located in front of Sears & Roebucks, I nodded, smiled and wished everyone sitting on the bus benches a good morning. Half of them held fast to their blank stares while the other half outwardly struggled to return my pleasing acknowledgment. I believe I’ll rename the bus benches the “gloom and doom benches.” Some of those people don’t know what they’re missing out on.

Arriving at the gym one hour after leaving our happy abode, I ambled inside and immediately began pulling and pushing on every one of the upper and lower body resistance machines. One machine at a time, of course! Only one set per machine, but I do the reps until I cannot move the levers another inch. I feel that once the muscles are totally maxed, there is no need in doing another set. A number of people have different opinions on that issue.
Leaving the gym all pumped up and feeling great, I slowly walked another mile or so towards home. By then, the rising sun had burned off most of the morning mist, promising us that another blissful day in the sub-tropics was in the making.
Now if only I could get those bus-bench pessimists to see life as I see it. On the other hand, I have no idea what their life’s situations are.
Everyone have a blessed day!
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