After days and days of checking the weather forecasts, and then sending out same via email to our esteemed running group, the time had finally come to put aside weather predictions and get down to the task of running and walking the eighth annual ING Miami Half Marathon. Sunday January 31st, 2010 was our eighth consecutive participant role in that specific event, and we’re ready to sign up for our ninth during this Tuesday's 6 a.m. registration blitz. 
Blessed be the weather angels, because we were met with cloudy skies, no rain, and temperatures that were acceptable to we half marathoners and full marathoners alike. The sub-tropical humidity was a tad bit high at the beginning of the race, but it seemed to work its way lower as we trudged forward in our quest to complete 13.1 miles of Miami and Miami Beach roadways and tall and not-so-tall bridges.
Coming off of a brutal Goofy Challenge just three weeks prior, we started out yesterday not 100% rested and/or ready. All the same, neither Jan nor I had any debilitating issues to speak of – and who would listen anyway to our cry-baby whining? In all fairness to Janet, though, she had just gotten over a terrible head and chest cold – something she must have picked up during or shortly after our challenging Walt Disney World experience.
Wondering for days just what my finishing time would be if we were to only walk the 13.1 miles, eliminating any running, Janet and I set out to complete the distance in an acceptable three hours and sixteen minutes by doing just that, walking only with absolutely no running. Janet, because of her inability to maintain as fast a walk pace as myself, was forced to begin a run/walk routine at around mile-marker three.
Significantly picking up my walk-pace as each mile passed, Janet indicated to me at around mile-marker nine that she was beginning to falter, and that I needed to continue with my quest to beat my previous walking-only, half marathon personal record – a time of 3:08:25 that was accomplished in 2002 when walking the Weston Half Marathon with our good friend, Tina Clark. Totally shocked at how fast my walk pace had become, I obliged by picking up the walk-pace even more.
To spare you, dear Reader, from all the boring, nondescript details, suffice to say that I recorded a new PR (personal record) of 3:03:00, a time that shocked even me. Janet, who I believe did better than she expected despite falling behind, came across the finish line only two minutes and forty-five seconds after my crossing. I was well pleased with my beautiful wife’s failing-is-not-an-option effort. 
Wondering at the finish line just how in the world I ever came up with the energy and endurance to walk so fast, my mind immediately went back to the previous day’s marathon expo – where we ate and drank all kinds of edible samples that promised increased endurance, brain power and libido. One out of three, or a 333% batting average, is most definitely successful by anyone’s standards.
Now it’s time to work on the other two...
3:03 wow you must have been flying. You are awesome!