We used to run marathons, but we now walk them. There are times during a marathon, though, when we must run, but only when we are forced to make up for lost time whenever we spend too much time in the bushes or in a stinky Jiffy John. Thankfully, that seldom happens.
The upside of walking is that if you walk, you can talk. My lovely wife and I enjoy talking while walking.
Did you know that walking encourages good physical and mental health? Surprised about the mental enhancement? I’m not!
Walking outdoors and passionately consorting with Mother Nature typically clears the mind of all that ails it - but only if you allow the debilitating mustiness to be cleansed away. My mind has an enormous exit as well as a wide entrance.
And the physical part, well, just moving your body rhythmically promotes good aerobic health. Try it, you might like it.
This morning’s rather quick-paced stroll found us circling our regional mall and the lake that acts as a buffer between the mall and our gated community. Both areas are meticulously maintained by the city and the mall people.
Nothing eventful happened during this morning’s three-mile walk, but we did enjoy the crispness of the morning, the perfectly clear blue sky, the mirror surfaced lake, the numerous hibiscus bushes showing off their red, pink and yellow blossoms, the stately sable and coconut palms, the towering oaks, and the small flock of ducks aimlessly drifting about on the water’s smooth surface, or so it seemed.
The morning fragrances were obvious, namely two that we discussed while walking underneath a long row of oak trees and leaning bottle-brush trees. The overgrown trees formed a natural tunnel overlapping the rather long, curved sidewalk.
One fragrance in particular was discernible when walking past the Olive Garden Restaurant. We surmised that the restaurant folks were cooking up some chickens that were being repeatedly basted with lots and lots of delicious Italian spices. I wanted to stop right th
The other fragrance, first noticed by Janet, was a very faint but noticeable odor that we determined was Downy Ultra Soft Fabric Softener. We recognized the fragrance because we use the same product. Someone, somewhere was evidently drying a load of laundry, and the pleasant aroma was being carried afar by the morning’s gentle wind.
Auto and truck fumes were noticeably absent. That both surprised us and pleased us immensely. We did take note that traffic was light from 9:00 a.m. up to 9:44 a.m. when we completed our three miles.
Weather permitting, we plan on walking again Friday morning. We're both looking forward to it.
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