It’s amazing how lackluster one can begin to feel when they must defer working out due to various responsibilities of life, such as traveling to a faraway state to assist a family member, taking a couple of days off to undergo a needed epidural injection in the lower back area, and then sort of hang out at home to be with our new local resident that will be sharing her life with us in our humble home in the sub-tropics of South Florida.
We are overly pleased to have my youngest daughter, Diane, share every facet of her life with us under the same roof. She is an absolute pleasure to live with. She is currently re-acclimating herself to life in the tropics versus life near the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. It’s goodbye snow, hello sunshine.
The epidural injection, which amounted to six injections in the lower back area, went really well. For sure, moving my body about without intense pain in a Godsend! Even though the pain and discomfort has now subsided, at least for now, I must realize that any physical exertion, like working out, must remain limited. I may not feel the pain, but the back is still a mess.

Despite the limited workouts the past 10 days, I’ve still been able to do two weight machine workouts in our fitness center and one short escort bike ride. Come hell or high water, I am determined to keep up the gym workouts. The results of doing three weight machine workouts per week the past two months is beginning to show, on the scale and when gazing into the mirror.
Janet, on the other hand, has maintained her run-training in good fashion. While I did the traveling, she stayed home with the cats, did her run training, and also reported to work nearly every day that I was gone. She’ll be more than ready to tackle that half marathon in Disney World this coming January.
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