Flamingo Road, today’s ride was typical of most of our weekday rides.

Today’s walk was a slow intimate stroll to and from the fitness center with my wife.
We remained in the fitness center for 40 minutes tugging and pulling on most of the resistance machines.
All in all, it was a satisfying workout with my better half. And the weather was perfect for a casual walk – 70F, partly cloudy with a slight breeze coming across the lake.
Not wanting to spend too much time in the nursing home where my wife was visiting with her mother, I chose to bike around the nursing home’s neighborhood during the first hour of the visit - but only on sidewalks. It would have been totally unsafe to leave the security of the sidewalks.
Even though I remained on the sidewalks the entire ride, I found the traffic to be overwhelming. Every intersection was exceedingly bottle necked, making it ever so difficult to cross from one sidewalk to the other.
I have to say, though, that people for the most part were very courteous, even jovial when we met at cross roads and driveways. I think they liked my highly visible, striped riding jersey and my kindly smile.
Like the old saying goes, “If you want a good neighbor then be one.”
Near the end of my short ride, my wife called me on my cell phone asking if I could ride back to the nursing home and then stand in front of the building’s game-room window so her mom could see me on my road bike. I happily obliged, and boy did that ever put a smile on my mother-in-law’s pretty face.
The visit ended with everyone smiling, which is a gift in itself when someone suffers from Alzheimer’s.
In preparation for tomorrow’s levee ride, I took my wife to our county park for some refresher lessons. She did so well that even a seasoned rider wouldn’t have guessed that she hasn’t been on a bike for three or four months.
The park ride was slow, for sure. But speed isn’t something you do whenever you ride your bike on the walking, jogging and biking trails in this particular park. It simply would not be safe.