Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Guilty of Littering the Trail with Dung
After spending the last two days in our county courthouse keeping my wife company while she went through a jury selection, etc., it sure was good to get back in the bike’s saddle.

While in the eight-story courthouse, I spent a lot of time staring out the large plate-glass windows in awe at the clear blue sky, the tall palm trees swaying with the ocean breeze, and the few cyclists down below that dared to bike in and around the crowded downtown area.

Incidentally, my wife was chosen to be a juror, which is why our courthouse visit was two days instead of one. While she was busy listening to a short trial, I was downstairs enjoying all the goodies in the cafeteria. I believe I gained two pounds!

Back to today’s biking; we did another one of those slow park rides that had us chugging along on those knobby horse trails. The trails are knobby because over time of all the large oak tree roots push up the asphalt pathways.

Providing many obstacles along the bumpy trails were piles and piles of horse dung. At one point along the trail I was yelling back to the other cyclists “biker up, runner up, horses up, ducks up, and horse dung up.” They best pay attention to that last one!

For the most part, today’s ride was really slow. However, I did do some sprints throughout the ride just to get my HR up. My max speed was 23 mph, and that was on one of my Strava segments. I actually PR’d on the “Salute the Flag” segment without too much effort.

Anyway, it was a gorgeous day in South Florida with the average temp right around 74F, the sky a beautiful deep blue, and the multi-colored tropical flowers blooming all along the trails and roadways.

Did I mention that it was a beautiful day???

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