I wore shorts and a thin T, Jan wore sweats. The two-party consensus is in; she’s the brighter of us two.
The fitness center, located but a hop skip and jump away from our comfy warm home, was nearly empty of civilization – except for the aerobic room where blaring music could be heard through its large glass windows and thin walls. Peeping through the blinds revealed many sweaty bodies moving in unison and to the beat.
An easy day was had by us both, barely grunting when moving the levers, bars and handles of the resistance machines. Still, we were moving our bodies, but not in typical fashion as we do when we run/walk train. I like easy days.
Today was an off day, kind of. Tomorrow will take more effort, and clothes, while running and walking five-kilometers with waves of other upright, intelligent primates.
The event’s weather forecast is for a low of forty – accompanied by stiff northerly winds.
The event’s weather forecast is for a low of forty – accompanied by stiff northerly winds.
Tomorrow I plan to be as bright as my wife.
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